The New Notion Club Archives
The New Notion Club Archives
Mikhail Filippovich

Midsummer was a widespread holiday in Middle-Earth. Elves and Númenóreans celebrated Erulaitalë on Midsummer (The Noldor also knew this time period as "saiwen" and midsummer’s day as "Saiwendana"), among the Hobbits Midsummer was known as Litheday, some Northron clans called it simply Lithe. The Lossoth held their great annual tribal gathering, the Muldak at the time of midsummer.

Some Cultures started midsummer festivities three days before summer solstice and ended them three days after, however midsummer was almost universally seen as a time of joy, festing and dancing. Númenorean "Erulaitalë" was a praise of Eru, carried out by the High-King of Númenor at the holy Mountain Meneltarma and accompanied by ceremonial silence and humbleness.

Names of Midsummer-time Celebrations[]

  • Austalende or Austakalende - High-elvish name for midsummer
  • Erulaitalë - Númenórean
  • Lithe or Lithe Days- Time period around the summer solstice - roughly modern 22 May to 20 June (Overlithe, Lithe/Forelithe, Afterlithe)
  • Litheday - Hobbits
  • Gralia Innathros Mel Gabaurtheis -festival of the birth of the hero Gralia Innathro amongbthe Gramias
  • Muldak - Lossoth "great Gathering" - about the time of the summer solstice, beginning and ending one week before and after
  • Saiwen - Noldorian Term for the hottest time of Summer - ca. modern june-July
  • Saiwendana - Noldorian midsummer’s day
  • Summerday - Eriadorian Midsummer Festival