The New Notion Club Archives
The New Notion Club Archives
The New Notion Club Archives

Second Edition Rulebook (cover)

ICE Atlas Regional Area Map Key v1

Key for all MERP colored maps

The Middle-earth Role Playing (MERP) game was released by Iron Crown Enterprises (ICE) in 1984. It is a simplified version of ICE's Rolemaster role-playing game system. There were two editions of the rule-book, and many modules and supplements were published until Iron Crown lost the license in 1999. It is currently out-of-print.

The Lord of the Rings Adventure Game (LOTRAG) was released as a further simplified version of the MERP rules. It is also out-of-print.

With a few exceptions, the default/standard time setting of all MERP products was Third Age 1640-1650.

This wiki extensively utilizes MERP maps. They key is at right.

Playable Classes[]

Basic Classes:

Additional Classes for experienced Gamers:

Playable Races and Cultures[]

Common Player Races[]

Evil Races[]

See also[]

External links[]
