Middle-earth: Shadow of War is the sequel to the 2014 game Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor. It continues the story of Talion of Gondor and the wraith of Celebrimbor. It was released on October 10, 2017.
- Agonizer
- Akoth
- The Alchemist
- the Amputator
- Ar-Baruk
- Ar-Kaius
- the Architect
- Az-Harto
- Baranor
- Baz
- Black-blade
- the Blight
- Brogg
- Brûz
- Carnan
- Carros
- Castamir
- Celebrimbor
- the Complainer
- Crusher
- Dagor
- Daughter of Helm Hammerhand
- Daz
- the Dead
- death-bone
- the Deep-delver
- the Digger
- the Diseased
- the Dreamer
- Eltariel
- the Faceless
- the Fixer
- Flak
- Flint
- Forthog
- the friendly
- Frolum
- the Gambler
- Gash
- Gaz
- Gimub the Slaver
- Gollum
- Golm
- Gorfab
- Gorvin
- Ghûl-lover
- Giggles
- Graug-slayer
- Gravewalker
- Hallas
- Hegadorn
- Helm Hammerhand
- Herion
- Hithlas
- Idril
- The Infested
- Isildur
- the Jaded
- Jagai
- Jin Ri
- Krimp
- Latbag
- Long Shot
- Longtooth
- the lookout
- the Machine
- The Mad
- Maggot-Nest
- Maku
- Man-Breaker
- Mogg
- Murk's Twin
- Nazgûl Sisters
- The Oath-breaker
- the obsessed
- Ogg
- one-word
- Other Twin
- the puppet-master
- Ranger
- Ratak
- Ratbag
- The Raven
- the Reaper
- Riya
- the Rogue
- Sagong
- Sandspider
- Sauron
- Serka
- the Shamed
- Shelob
- Siric
- the Skinless
- the Sprog
- the Steward of the Keep
- Stompy
- Suladân
- the survivor
- the Suspicious
- Talion
- Tar Goroth
- Tarandor
- Tinder
- The Twin
- Torvin
- Torvin's dog
- Torz
- the tower
- the Trainer
- Ugakuga
- Ushak
- Vat-keeper
- Warad
- White Graug
- the wild
- Witch-King
- Worm-licker
- Yan Wei
- Yan Qi
- Yuka
- Zhoja
- Zog
- Balrogs
- Barrow Wights
- Caragath
- Caragors
- Drakes
- Ghûls
- Graugs
- Great Beasts
- Great Eagles
- Great Spiders
- Mordor Rats
- Morgai Flies
- Morgul Bats
- Spider Demons
- Wargs
- Wyrm
- Wraiths
- Acharn
- Aeglos
- Azkâr
- blue azurite figurines
- Broken Staff
- Celebrimbor´s Pick
- Coded Journal
- Frolum's Ring
- Gorvin's hunting axe
- Graven Idol
- Haedir
- Hoe Blade
- Hithlas
- Horned Helmet
- Ithildin
- medal of Two Trees
- The Mithril Blade
- Musty Tome
- Mirian
- The New Ring
- Old Scorchy
- Ranger's Reading Primer
- Serpentine Blade
- Star-Chart
- Urfael
- Barad-Dûr
- Barad Núrn
- Barad Silme
- the Barrows
- Black Gate
- Black Hand Fortress
- Black Road
- Cab-Gawanath Bluff
- Carach Angren
- Celon Poros
- the Circus
- Cirith Gorgor
- Dar-ghûrum
- Darz-ghûrum.
- Dragon's Lair
- Durthang
- East Garrison
- Eastern Guard
- Ered Glamhoth
- Ethir Poros
- Fern Outskirts
- Fort Morn
- Ghâshgôr
- Gorgoroth
- Harad Basin
- Khargukôr
- Lithlad
- Maw of Hope
- mercenary camp
- Minas Morgûl
- Morgoth's Scar
- Mount Doom
- Nordinbad
- Nurn
- Núrnen Fishery
- Sea of Nurnen
- Seregost
- Sharkburz
- Shen
- Shindrum
- Tarnost
- The Gorthaur
- Thang Talath
- Thaurband
- Tirith Mesas
- Tol Crossing
- Torech Ungol
- Torvin's Camp
- Towers of the Teeth
- Udûn
- Udûn Crossing
- Uruk Proving Grounds
- Uruks Hollow
- West Garrison
- Black Númenóreans
- Chosen
- Dark-Tribe
- Feral-tribe
- Machine-Tribe
- Marauder-tribe
- Men of Gondor
- Mystic-Tribe
- Númenóreans
- Orc Outcasts
- Outcasts of Udûn
- Rangers of the Black Gate
- Slaughter-Tribe
- Slaves of Mordor
- Terror-Tribe
- Tribesmen of Núrn
- Under-folk
- Vanishing Sons
- Warmonger-Tribe