Meneldil I, son of Anárion, King of Gondor
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Men (Númenóreans, Dúnedain of the South)
Time period
S.A. 3318 – T.A. 158
Galadwen Varyalanis (N)
(N) = non-canon
Meneldil (Q."Friend of the Sky") was son of Anárion and third King of Gondor. Born in Rómenna in S.A. 3318, he was the last person (who survived the Downfall) born in Númenor.
Meneldil fought in the war of the Last Alliance and supervised the South Kingdom after his father's death and the death of his uncle and elder cousins at the Disaster of the Gladden fields. By T.A. 10, thirteen-year-old scion in Arnor Prince Valandil gave kingship of Gondor to his older cousin while maintaining it in the North. Meneldil ruled for 156 years.
Meneldil had three older unnamed siblings of which we do not know the names. Some fanfic authors have proposed the names Elenalóto, Amanyë and Númeniel though.
Principle Items[]
The following items were the hereditary possessions of the Kings of Gondor. All of them except the "Helm of Elendil" were lost when King Eärnur disappeared in TA. 2050.
- Mace — (Mace of Anárion): mithril-inlaid eog Holy Mace topped with an inset aquamarine. The gem glowed upon wielder's mental command and, depending on the level of concentration, could emit a bright beam that shone afar. The mace was a originally a slaying-weapon when used against Sea-drakes, Kraken, or Fell-turtles, and was used as the Sceptre of Gondor.
- Shield — (Shield of Anarion): gold- and silver-inlaid black ithilnaur shield. Set atop the black metal field, the silver inlay formed the symbol of Gondor: the White Tree and the Seven Stars.