The Men of Estolad (S."Estoladrim") were a mixed group of people, mostly descending from those of the houses of Hador Lórindol and Bëor the Old who did not enter the service of the Noldor in Hithlum or Dorthonion. Most were nomadic herdsmen who, with their cattle, roamed the wide plains between Andram, Doriath, Ossiriand and Dor Maedhros, while some groups had settled down in small towns and hamlets. While the Marachian element prevailed among the herders, the Beorian element was far stronger among the settled folk, who also provided most of the smiths and other craftsmen. With Morgoth's occupation of East Beleriand, most of them either joined their kinsmen near the Havens of Sirion, or fled east of the mountains to Eriador.