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The New Notion Club Archives

Originating at Gobel Mirlond, the Men Harondor (S. "Harondor Road") crossed South-central portion of western Harondor before joining with the Hyarmentië at Amon Eithel. The Gondorians had built this road shortly after taking control of all Harondor early in the tenth century of the Third Age. It was used primarily to transport troops and military supplies in the war against the Umbareans, so the men of Gondor built it with the same skill and precision used by the old Númenóreans to build the Hyarmentie and Men Harnen. When the kings abandoned Harondor, the road behind remained untouched, although the Gondorian army caved in the wells and torched the way-stations. The Men Harondor measured twenty feet in width it was built atop an embankment five leet high. Mile posts; placed beside the road and a well were located at every third leaguestone. Way-stations, originally built to house troops were spaced every 45 miles. They were built like small forts and were easily defensible against small groups of attackers. While Sangahyandion occupied Harnendor, the way- stations became border forts between northern and southern Harondor. During the Second Wainrider War, they were places of refuge from the marauding Haruze and Khandians.The way-stations and wells along the road were destroyed by the Gondorian army during its withdrawal north of the Poros. Several way-stations were rebuilt; the wells re-dug in the years that followed.


  • MERP:Southern Gondor:The Land