The Men Harnen (S. "Southwater Road") was built by the Númenóreans during the Second Age on either bank of the Harnen River. Construction proceeded in two phases. The first began in S.A. 2287 and extended the Men Harad from Tharven to Korb Taskral and the mouth of the Harnen. It was not until S.A. 3192 that it was extended west to Mirlond, incorporating part of the Men Falas. Its construction was the same as that of the Hyarmentie, except the road was only twenty feet wide. After T.A. 1540 most of the waystations were fortified and garrisoned by the men of Gondor, but during the Second Wainrider War, the Gondorians were forced to withdraw from Harondor before they could destroy the way-stations. Despite their later victory, much of the Harnen river valley remained under the control of Haruze and Variag bandits or Umbarean adventurers, so the Gondorians were unable to dismantle the fortified way-stations.
The Secondary road along the southern escarpment of the Harnen river valley was constructed by the men of Umbar following the loss of Harondor to Gondor in T.A. 1540. Graded, but unpaved, the twenty-five-foot wide' road ran from Gobel Ancalimon to Tirith Argon with rest houses spaced every 30 miles. It was used to improve the transportation between the two towns and the Umbarean forts and manors along the Harnen. Following the Gondorian seizure of Umbar in T.A. 1810, the road was paved, allowing the rapid movement of troops along the Harnen.
- MERP:Southern Gondor:The Land