Hordes of lively monkeys known as Maymûn lived among the trees of the forest called Gái in western Far Harad. They measured only about three feet from head to tail and flew about the branches like squirrels. Though not as highly intelligent as some of their more developed relatives, the majmun had charms that endeared them to Men who came to the Gaj. They were neither noisy nor unclean, and they had grown to act quite tame in the presence of the typical Haradan, though they might be more shy with folk who acted or dressed outlandishly. Great swarms of majmun wandered the grounds of the region's temples and behaved so respectfully that the faithful often insisted that the beasts were there to worship.
These monkeys were quite attractive, with fur of gold and black, patterned in speckles of light on dark. It was said, however, that the monkeys represented a danger as well, to those who would molest them. Tales recounted foreign trappers who came hunting the lovely pelts and met ghastly ends, swarmed by the chattering beasts.
Original form in MERP:Majmun
- Retrieved from Realms of Arda; original reference: [ICE MERP 2012]