Mauhoshat (BS."Silent Warrior"; S."Dînothor";Tyr.:"Bulgor") was once a Prince and champion of the Dir clans in north-central Endor. However, a meeting in S A 3262 with the Ringwraith Hoarmurath brought those days to an end. Mauhoshat possessed rare physical talents and a keen desire to excel. The Nazgûl persuaded the Prince that he could most worthily fulfill his destiny by serving the Dark Lord. In this way, Mauhoshat was the fifth mortal to take one of Sauron's lesser Rings of Binding. He became one of the Ernilath-in-Ugalad (S "Princes of the Unlight"), known by the Elves as the Gothrim-i-padrar (S "Dead that Walk"). At the end of the Second Age, he passed into the shadows along with his masters, he was the first of the Dark Lord's Ring-wights to return to Endor, doing so near the forest of Lotan in TA 1001. Known as the "Dark Messenger," he prepared for the day when his master and the nine Ulairi, or Nazgûl, would return.
Mauhoshat had been busy. He located and settled the lost island of Tol Sulereb, renaming it Ugadhol Bûruth, and prepared it for the return of the Dark Lord and the Ringwraiths. He founded a new order of assassins and trained these minions to be ruthless and swift. He then turned his attentions abroad to arouse the priests of the dark religions of Dor Rhunen, the Cult of the Long Night and the Dark Worship. His latest task was to locate the library of the tower called Wintirion Iaur. There he had to obtain the ancient Tome of Golodhlir (S. "Words of Wisdom") that foretold the exact manner and time of the return of Sauron .
Original form: Dîn Ohtar
The original name in MERP is a mix of Sindarin and Quenya of dubious grammatical correctness. The name has here been replaced with a cognate in Black Speech/Orcish, as Sindarin usually was not used by Sauron's servants.
- MERP: Perils on the Sea of Rhûn