The New Notion Club Archives
The New Notion Club Archives
The New Notion Club Archives

Master (S."Herdir";"Orthor") was a form of address which expressed valuation.Master originally designated a man of learning, a Scholar or Craftsman but later also a teacher.In Middle-Earth the title was also used by heads of Guilds and other organisations as well as by elected leaders of settlements or councils.It was also used as a formal address for any respected person. Among the Northmen of Rhovanion The Term Master (Rh."Maegster" or "Meistari") often designated a Townsmaster or Mayor (S."Condir"), for example the Master of Lake-Town.In the late númenórean administrative system the Turi" (Q. "Masters") or Patriarchs (Q."Atarturi") were the most influential Clan-leaders who elected the "Faino" (Q."Thain") of a free Shire.

