a Mariner on the Bay of Belfalas
A Mariner is a Sailor and Seafarer.A Mariner may also be an Explorer, Riverman or Ferryman, Fisherman, Shipwright, Corsair, Pirate or Sea-Warrior.
The most famous Mariners in middle-Earth were the Númenóreans and the Sindar and Falmari.The famous Seafarers of the Guild of Venturers were also known as the Uinendili.There was also seafaring and seatravel on the Inland Seas of Rhûnaer and Núrnen and along the southern and eastern coasts of Endor..
Mariners of note:[]
- Aelfwine
- Aerandir
- Amandil of Andúnië
- Eärendil the Mariner
- Eärendur of Andúnie
- Erellont of Sirion
- Falathar the Mariner
- Isengar Took
- Razanur the Traveller
- Tar-Aldarion
The Mariner is a playable order in LOTRRPG and Sailor is a profession in Rolemaster
Examples for Mariners[]
- Arthadan Seal-Hunter
- Black Númenórean shipowner
- Boatman of the Anduin River Culture
- Boatsman of Esgaroth
- Cardolanian Whaler
- Corsair of Rhûn
- Corsair of Umbar
- Dorwinrim Lassman
- Eriadorian Fisherman
- Ferryman of Núrnen
- Haradrim Sea-Trader
- Gondorian Privateer
- Ice-rigger of the Forodwaith
- Lakesailor of the Evendim Folk
- Navigator
- Northron Fiskia or Fiscer
- Pirate of the Bay of Utum
- Raftsman
- Raft-Elf of the Tawarwaith
- Riverman or Bargeman
- Sakalai fisherman
- Seaman of the Khurn-Nagla
- a Sea-Orc
- Sea-Warrior of the Falathrim