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The New Notion Club Archives

Major languages and families


Major languages and families

Mannish refers collectively to the languages of Men, distinguishing them from the tongues of Elves, Dwarves, and other races of Arda. These languages, diverse and widespread, evolved over millennia, influenced by the migration patterns of Men and their interactions with other cultures and races. Among these, the most prominent was Westron, the Common Speech.

Mannish Tongues[]


J. R. R. Tolkien himself invented quite a few mannish tongues, while the names of the early men of Hildorien (Ermon and Elmir) might still be Avarin (or rather "Ilkorin" at that early stage) the three houses of the Edain already have names belonging to three separate languages:Taliska, Old Mago and Halethian.Also the Easterlings probably had at last one separate language, though maybe the Uldorians and Bórians spoke two different dialects (see:"Baradhrin").Often overlooked is the language of the Drúedain:"Drûghic" (or "Drúadan" for that specific dialect). The most well devised mannish language Tolkien invented is probably Adûnaic, rather obscure is it's later descendant (untranslated) Westron and the two closely related (untranslated-)Rohanese and (untranslated-)Rhovanian. A few words possibly exist from the language of the Dunlendings and Gwathuirim (see:"Dunael" and Gwathuirin) and the closely related old gondorian language of the Oathbreakers and the men of Udul and Agar.The later Haradrim Languages and Languages of the Men of the East also seem to consist only of a few words or names, just as Variag/Khandian (see: "Varadja").


  • Hands of the Healer
  • Middle-Earth campaign Guide I
  • Lords of Middle-earth II:the mannish Races
  • The Wild Lands East and South (Pete Fenlons online Gazetteer)