The New Notion Club Archives
The New Notion Club Archives

Edennogrod and Mallost

Zirakbhund (Kh: "Pointy-head"; S: Mallost "Gold-fortress") was a large semi-natural Delving below the peak of the Ered Luin by the same name. Originally a large natural cave system, rich (as its name suggested) in Gold, it was the collective place of awakening for the Broadbeam and Firebeard Dwarves- and was consequently sacred to both tribes for the following millennia, used as a shrine and holy realm of sorts. It lay at the head of the Nan-i-Naugrim, accessible by great hidden doors, and may have been originally dissolved by the stream Annúdhuin which flowed through the vale from the river Lhûn.

After the ruin of the later delvings at Gabilgathol and Tumunzahar,the heir and reincarnation of Dwálin the Wise renovated the ancient halls of Zirakbhund and expanted them under their great peak (some 35–40 miles north of Mount Dolmed). Most of his people and those of the Firebeards moved then to the Nan-i-Naugrim, and it then became the largest Dwarvish community west of Khazad-Dûm. The mansions at Mallost then served as residence to their king for long millennia, and the people of the Broadbeams and Firebeards were drawn close together in those days, becoming a fused, confederate people.

In the late Second Age,[citation needed]

the lord of the Broadbeams left with his people for new dwellings at Barazbizar in the north, but Zirakbhund remained occupied by the Firebeards. It was not until T.A. 1480 that the ancient mansion was finally abandoned. The remaining population resettled, as many of their kin had since the begining of the second age, to Khazad-dûm. Thus, the Broadbeams and Firebeards ceased to be an independent house. Henceforth, their fate was intertwined with that of the Longbeards, amongst whom they mingled, producing the great diversity in mind and body of that culture. 

It was Zirakbhund's forsaken halls which were used as a short-term refuge for Arvedui, the last King of Arthedain, before his death. It was (with Edennogrod) the chief and largest mansion of the Nan-i-Naugrim, founded by the Firebeards, as was Nornhabar in the Harered Luin.


  • Jeff J. Erwin: A Traveler's Guide to Lindon
  • T. Morwinsky: Other Minds magazine, Issues 4 and 5: named as Buzdûm-Mazar (name was generated randomly)