The Maiarindi were the children of incarnate lesser Ainur, the Maiar.These Maiarindi were still long-lived and powerful beings but as incarnates they possessed a technically mortal Hröa and a fëa similar to those of the Eruhini and not an ëala.
Known Maiarindi[]
Ancalagon Carcharoth Danuin Dior Eluchíl Draugluin Elured Elurin Fanuin Gaurin Glaurung Goldberry Lúthien Tinúviel Ranuin Shelob Tinfang Gelion
Secondary Works[]
Amarthiel Andrâx Arrokko Beusobaira Bolvag Caronuial Draebor Enânagosnî Enna San Sarab Gelob Gwethil Kadaena Karagat Long Lankin Lorgalis Lugbol Master of Malice Meklak Morrigan Mourmaelgax Mukarg Naruhel Nuag Ogslap Gonodbal Oyan Príclís Pûgudi Shin-Ko Sorthog Unglob Utha V'glin Warg-King Yazhgar
Dragons Giants Great Spiders Mouse Spirits Ogres Werewolves Woodnymphs
Secondary Works[]
Althan Carangors Cockatrice Fell Wargs Flits Foxfire Half-Giants Jeebies Lords of Essence Merrevail Mervyl Neblins Nolly-Nackers Orag Spriggans Steardan Vilwarokkor Voksa Water Horses Wood-Nackers