a Drúadan Tribal Magician
In Middle-Earth a Magician was a user of a kind of magic power. Most elves had magic powers they saw as simple skills (Q. "Curu") or deep lore (Q. "ñólë").
Beorn the Skinchanger was considered a "Magician", due to his ability to change into a bear, as well as Sauron and the Nazgûl were called Magicians. Among the Dúnedain were wise men that watched the stars and created potions, in eastern and southern Middle-Earth magical cults and traditions were founded by the Ithryn Luin.
The Heren Istarion used the mask of the traveling conjurer, Illusionist, Hermit, Wise Councilor, Great Sage, Scholar or Charlatan as a cover for their true identity as great Maiarin spirits.Magicians could be variously known as Wizards, Sorcerers, Witches , but commonly throughout Middle-Earth "Magician" referred to a "lesser magic-user" while "Wizard" was only applied to the most wise and powerful beings, "Sorcerer" commonly had a negative connotation and often implied somebody who worked with "Evil magic" and "Witch" was at best ambiguous.
Many smiths, Minstrels, Artisans, Warriors and Healers also had some degree of "magical" abilities. Seers and Prophets were also often considered Magicians as well.
Various types of Magician:[]
- Curugrim (Sindar)
- Curuvar (High-Elves)
- Curuvari (High-Elves)
- Gollorrim (Sindar)
- Dushi and Guli (Orcs)
- Illusion-weavers (Wild men and men of darkness)
- Saironin (High-Elves)
- Sapthani (Númenóreans)
- Stone-Talkers (Eglain)
- Thothwaith (Dúnedain and Umanyar)
- Weather-masters (Falmari and Falathrim)
- Wise men and women
- Witches
- Wizard's apprentices , who is not yet an accepted member of the Heren Istarion
- Zigûri (Númenóreans)
Magicians of renown[]
- Agaldor
- Aghan
- Beorn the Skinchanger
- Beruthiel
- Feanor
- Finrod Felagund
- Galadriel
- Grima Wormtongue
- Lúthien Tinúviel
- Malbeth the Seer
- Melian of Doriath
- Morwen Eledhwen
- Mouth of Sauron
- Narvi I of Khazâd Dûm
- Sauron
- Tilion
- Tû
- Witch-king
The Magician is a playable class in MERP, Rolemaster and LOTRRPG.Rolemaster also has other Magician Professions or specializations:Adept, Arcane Elementalist, Arcanist, Arch Mage, Arcist, Astral Traveller, Astrologer, Crafter, Chrystal Mage, Earth-Alchemist, Elemental Channeler,Elemental Champion, Elemental Channeler, Elemental Enchanter, Elemental Summoner, Elementalist, Enchanter, Forcemage, Geomancer, High Elementalist, Illusionist, Inorganic Alchemist, Magent, Magus, Maleficant, Mana Molder, Mental Alchemist, Mentalist, Miracle Worker, Moon Mage, Mystical Elementalist,Rogue Elementalist, Runemage,Runemaster, Shadow Mage, Shaman, Shamanic Alchemist, Summoner, Tarot Mage, Thaumaturge, Theurgist, Warrior Mage, Warlock, Wu Jen.
Further Examples[]
Magicians may also refer to the:
- Alchemists of Fornost
- Kheyan Fire-Illusionists
- Khyan snake charmers
- a Member of the Bloodring of Minas Tirith
- Curugath
- Curuvari
- Dwarven Alchemists
- Dwarven Constructor or Machine-Magician
- Gollorath
- Henkinimittäji (Lossoth)
- Hildinóle (Arnor)
- Illusion-weavers of Heb Aaraan
- Ingolemor
- Mage-Priests of the farthest East
- Mages-Guilds of Far-Harad (Karalija,Kromet, Mudrat and Tama)
- Maijesk and Hudgwehydd or easterling Summoners
- Modrog (Dônaen)
- Mutanyi of the Kirans
- Disciples of the Mûmathûmûr (Mûmakani)
- Northron Spiritualists or Seidhmadhur
- Saironi
- the Sisterhood of the veil
- The Sisters of the Darin Tesarath
- Thothwegath
- Twilight-walkers of the Gwathuirim
- the Tyatarb or Magi and scribes of Sirayn
- the Wizards of Umbar
- Wôlor of Lôkhas Drûs
- Wômawi Word-mages
- Zigûri