Gorge of Mag Fael
Deep within the Last-wood, between Soldon's Cross to the south and the overgrown ruins of Tandauer to the north, wooded hills rose high and steep. In the midst of these hills was a place where the earth seemed to suddenly drop out beneath one's feet. A dangerous gorge was located here, well concealed by the tall trees and thick undergrowth near its edge, whose eighty foot expanse and two hundred foot drop one must nearly fall into to see.It was called Mag Fael (S."Imlad Draug"), or "Wolf's plain" by the men of these land.The sheer rock walls of the gorge made entry into Mag Fael difficult — but by no means impossible.Men had once thought that Mag Fael was cursed or haunted, but over the years several treasure seekers had returned unharmed, although a little shaken by the experience.
Unknown to local men the deeps of the gorge had been used as a black sanctuary by the Witches of Angmar and a home to Trolls.
Arfanhil Caldamir Eldamir
Original name in MERP:Maes Fao
- MERP:Loons of the long Fell