The New Notion Club Archives
The New Notion Club Archives
The New Notion Club Archives

This article lists Middle-earth Role Playing (MERP) game products, both published and unpublished, by Iron Crown Enterprises (ICE). Also included are Lord of the Rings Adventure Game (LotRAG) and Questgame (Tolkien Quest and Middle-earth Quest) products.

See also:

Name ICE Stock # Setting Time Frame Publication Year Edition Series
A Spy In Isengard 1 Isengard; Rohan about TA 3019 1988 Quest Game Middle-earth Quest
Angmar Land of the Witch-king 2300 Angmar, Eriador TA 1600-1700 1982 1E Campaign Setting
Angmar 2018 Angmar, Eriador about TA 1640 1995 2E Realm
Angus McBride’s Characters of Middle-earth 8007 Middle-earth (various) 1990 1E Sourcebooks
Arnor 2005 Arnor, Eriador TA 1643 1994 2E Realm
Arnor: The Land 2023 Arnor, Eriador TA 1643 1997 2E Lands
Arnor: The People 2022 Arnor, Eriador TA 1643 1996 2E Peoples
Assassins of Dol Amroth 8106 Dol Amroth, Belfalas, Gondor about TA 2800 1987 1E Ready-To-Run
Bree and the Barrow Downs 8010 Breeland; Arthedain; Eriador about TA 1700 1984 1E Adventure Module
Brigands of Mirkwood 8090 Strayhold, eastern Rhovanion about TA 1636 1987 1E Adventure Module
Calenhad A Beacon of Gondor 8203 Calenhad, Anórien, Gondor 2nd to 4th Age 1990 1E Fortresses
Campaign and Adventure Guidebook 2200 Middle-earth no specific 1982; 1983 1E Sourcebooks
The Court of Ardor in Southern Middle-earth 2500 Mûmakan, Utter South; Harad TA 1651 1982; 1983 1E Campaign Setting
Creatures of Middle-earth 8005 Middle-earth No specific 1988 1E Sourcebooks
Creatures of Middle-earth 2012 Middle-earth No specific 1994 2E Sourcebooks
Dagorlad and the Dead Marshes 8020 Dagorlad, Uvanwaith, Rhûn TA 1639 1984 1E Adventure Module
Darker than the Darkness LR1 the Shire, Arthedain, Eriador TA 3018 1991 LotRAG Adventure Book
Dark Mage of Rhudaur 8013 Trollshaws, Rhudaur, Eriador TA 1409 1989 1E Adventure Module
Dawn Comes Early LR0 Bree and Bree-land, Eriador about TA 3018 1991 LotRAG Boxed Game/Adventure
Denizens of the Dark Wood 8111 Mirkwood, Rhovanion TA 1640 1989 1E Ready-To-Run
 Dol Guldur 2014 Dol Guldur; Mirkwood, Rhovanion TA 1640 1995 2E Citadel
Dunland and the Southern Misty Mountains 3600 Dunland, Enedhwaith, Eriador TA 1640 1987 1E Campaign Setting
Elves 2013 Middle-earth no specific time 1994 2E Peoples
Empire of the Witch King 4020 Angmar, Eriador TA 1640 1989 1E Campaign Setting
Ents of Fangorn 3500 Fangorn, Calenardhon/Rohan TA 1640 1987 1E Campaign Setting
Erech and the Paths of the Dead 8060 Erech/Paths of the Dead, Ered Nimrais, Gondor TA 1640 1985 1E Adventure Modules
Far Harad The Scorched Land 3800 Bozisha-Miraz, Far-Harad, Harad TA 1640 1988 1E Campaign Setting
Forest of Tears 8015 Suza Sumar, Bozisha Miraz, Harad about TA 1640 1989 1E Adventure Modules
Gates of Mordor 8105 Morannon, Mordor about TA 1640 1987 1E Ready-To-Run
Ghosts of the Southern Anduin 8109 Ithilien, Gondor about TA 1640 1989 1E Ready-To-Run
Ghost Warriors 8016 Dunland; Enedhwaith; Eriador about TA 1700 1990 1E Adventure Modules
Goblin-gate and Eagle’s Eyrie 8070 Goblin-town, Misty Mountains; Northern Anduin Vales, Rhovanion TA 1640 1985 1E Adventure Modules
Gorgoroth 3112 Gorgoroth, Mordor TA 1640 1990 1E Campaign Setting
Greater Harad 3111 Sirayn, Far Harad, Harad TA 1630 1990 1E Campaign Setting
The Grey Mountains 3113 Ered Mithrin TA 1640 1992 1E Campaign Setting
Halls of the Elven-king 8204 Woodland-realm, Mirkwood, Rhovanion TA 2945 1988 1E Fortresses
Hands of the Healer 2026 Middle-earth TA1637; FA 172 1997 1997 Sourcebooks
Haunted Ruins of the Dunlendings 8101 Erech, Lamedon, Gondor TA 1638 1985 1E Ready-To-Run
Havens of Gondor Land of Belfalas 3300 Belfalas, Gondor TA 1640 1987 1E Campaign Settings
Hazards of the Harad Wood 8112 Suza Sumar; Far Harad; Harad TA 1640 1990 1E Ready-To-Run
Hillmen of the Trollshaws 8040 Trollshaws; Rhudaur; Eriador TA 1671 1984 1E Adventure Modules
The Inland-Sea Rhûnaer/Dorwinion, Rhûn TA 1640     Realm
Isengard and Northern Gondor 2800 Isengard, Calenardhon, Gondor TA 1442 1983; 1987 1E Campaign Settings
The Kin Strife 2015 Gondor ca.1432-1447 1995 2E Sourcebook
Lake-town 2016 Esgaroth, Rhovanion TA 1640 1995 2E Citadel
The Legend of Weathertop Eriador, Weathertop 1985 Quest Game Tolkien Quest
The Loons of the Long Fell 1500 Rhudaur, Eriador 1994 2E Accessory Pack
Lords of Middle-earth Vol. I – The Immortals: Elves, Maiar, and Valar 8002 Middle-earth no specific timeframe 1986 1E Sourcebooks
Lords of Middle-earth Vol. II – The Mannish Races 8003 Middle-earth no specific timeframe 1987 1E Sourcebooks
Lords of Middle-earth Vol. III – Hobbits, Dwarves, Ents, Orcs & Trolls 8004 Middle-earth no specific timeframe 1989 1E Sourcebooks
Lórien & the Halls of the Elven Smiths 3200 Eregion/Lothórien; Eriador/Rhovanion SA 1350; TA 1640 1986 1E Campaign Settings
Lost Realm of Cardolan 3700 Cardolan, Eriador TA 1640 1987 1E Campaign Settings
MERP Combat Screen 8001 Middle-earth no specific timeframe 1984; 1989 1E MERP Game System
Middle-earth Adventure Guidebook II 2210 Middle-earth TA 1640 1989 1E Sourcebooks
Middle-earth Campaign and Adventure Guidebook I Middle-earth no specific time     Sourcebooks
Middle-earth Role Playing 8000 Middle-earth TA 1690 1984; 1986 1E MERP Game System
Middle-earth Role Playing Accessory Pack 2002 Middle-earth TA 1640 1994 2E Play Aids
Middle-earth Role Playing Rulebook Middle-earth TA 1690      
Minas Ithil 8302 Minas Ithil, Ithilien, Gondor TA 1640 1991 1E Cities
Minas Tirith 8301 Minas Tirith, Anórien; Gondor TA 1640 1988 1E Cities
Minas Tirith 2007 Minas Tirith, Anórien; Gondor TA 1640 1994 2E Citadel
Mines of Moria 3 Moria, Misty Mountains about TA 3020 1988 Quest Game Middle-earth Quest
Mirkwood 2019 Mirkwood, Rhovanion about TA 1640 1995 2E Realm
Mirkwood The Wilds of Rhovanion 4010 Mirkwood; Rhovanion about TA 1640 1988 1E Campaign Settings
Moria 2011 Moria; Misty Mountains TA 1640; TA 3000 1994 2E Citadel
Moria The Dwarven City 2900 Moria; Misty Mountains TA 1640; TA 3000 1984 1E Campaign Settings
Mount Gundabad 3110 Gundabad; Misty Mountains/Rhovanion TA 1640 1989 1E Campaign Settings
Mouths of the Entwash 8011 Calenardhon; Gondor about TA 1640 1988 1E Adventure Modules
Murder in Minas Tirith Minas Tirith, Gondor 1986 (unpublished) Quest Game Tolkien Quest
Nazgûl’s Citadel 8205 Sîrayn; Far Harad; Harad TA 1640 1991 1E Fortresses
The Necromancer’s Lieutenant 8113 Realm of the Necromancer, Mirkwood, Rhovanion TA 1640 1990 1E Ready-To-Run
Night of the Nazgûl 101 The Shire, Arthedain, Eriador TA 3018 1985 Quest Game Tolkien Quest
Northern Mirkwood The Wood-Elves Realm 2600 Woodland Realm, Rhovanion TA 1640 1983; 1984 1E Campaign Settings
The Northern Waste 2025 Forochel, western Forodwaith TA 1640 1997 2E Realm
Northwestern Middle-earth Campaign Atlas (combined Gazetteer & Map) 4000 Westlands TA 1637; TA 1702; TA 1900; about TA 2950 1990 1E Sourcebook
Northwestern Middle-earth Gazetteer 4002 Westlands TA 1637; TA 1702; TA 1900; about TA 2950 1992 1E Campaign Atlas
Over the Misty Mountains Cold LR2 Trollshaws, Rhudaur, Eriador about TA 3018 1993 LotRAG Adventures
Palantír Quest 2009 Westlands about FA 14 1994 MERP 2nd Edition Adventures
Perils on the Sea of Rhun 8110 Dorwinion/Rhûnaer, Rhûn TA 1014 1989 1E Ready-To-Run
Phantom of the Northern Marches 8102 Northern Marches, Rhudaur, Eriador about TA 1640 1986 1E Ready-To-Run
Pirates of Pelargir 8104 Near Harad, Harad; Gondor TA 1640 1987 1E Ready-To-Run
Raiders of Cardolan 8108 Eryn Vorn, Cardolan, Eriador about TA 1640 1988 1E Ready-To-Run
Rangers of the North The Kingdom of Arthedain 3000 Arthedain, Eriador TA 1640 1984 1E Campaign Settings
Rescue in Mirkwood Mirkwood; Rhovanion about TA 3019 1986 Quest Game Middle-earth Quest
Riders of Rohan 3100 Rhovanion/Rohan TA 1640; TA 1857; TA 1990; TA 2509; TA 2758; TA 3019; TA 3019; FA 02 1985; 1987 1E Campaign Settings
Rivendell The House of Elrondl 8080 Imladris; Rhudaur; Eriador about TA 1700 1987 1E Adventure Modules
River Running 8114 Eastern Rhovanion/Dorwinion about TA 1640 1992 1E Adventure Modules
Rogues of the Borderlands 8014 Númeriador, Arthedain, Eriador about TA 1640 1990 1E Adventure Modules
Sea-lords of Gondor Pelargir and Lebennin 3400 Pelargir, Lebennin, Gondor TA 1640-TA 1680 1987 1E Campaign Settings
Search for the Palantír 8 1989 Quest Game Middle-earth Quest
Shadow in the South 3900 Seven Lands, Utter South, Harad about TA 1640 1988 1E Campaign Settings
The Shire 2017 the Shire, Arthedain, Eriador ca. 1600-1650 1995 2E Realm
Southern Gondor: The Land 2021 Gondor FA 195; TA 1450; TA 1636 1996 2E Lands
Southern Gondor: The People 2020 Gondor FA 195; TA 1450; TA 1636 1996 2E Peoples
Southern Mirkwood Haunt of the Necromancer 2700 Realm of the Necromancer, Mirkwood, Rhovanion TA 1640 1983 1E Campaign Settings
Tales of the Westmarch Westmarch, Calenardhon, Gondor TA 1640     Campaign Modules
Teeth of Mordor 8202 Morannon; Mordor TA 1640 1988 1E Fortresses
Thieves of Tharbad 8050 Tharbad, Cardolan, Eriador TA 1409-1412 1985 1E Adventure Modules
The Tower of Cirith Ungol and Shelob’s Lair 8030 Cirith Ungol, Mordor TA 1640 1984 1E Adventure Modules
Treason at Helm's Deep 2 Helm's Deep, Rohan TA 3019 1988 Quest Game Middle-earth Quest
Treasures of Middle-earth 8006 Middle-earth N/A 1989 1E Sourcebooks
Treasures of Middle-earth 2010 Middle-earth N/A 1994 2E Sourcebooks
Trolls of the Misty Mountains 8103 Rhudaur, Eriador TA 1640 1986 1E ready-to-run
Umbar Haven of the Corsairs 2400 Umbar, Near Harad, Harad TA 1607 1982 1E Campaign Settings
Valar & Maiar 2006 Aman; Middle-earth no specific timeframe 1993 2E Peoples
Warlords of the Desert 8012 Bozisha Dar, Far Harad, Harad TA 1640 1989 1E Adventure Modules
Weathertop Tower of the Wind 8201 Weathertop, Arthedain, Eriador TA 1409 1987 1E Fortresses
Woses of the Black Wood 8107 Eryn Vorn, Cardolan, Eriador ca. 1640 1987 1E Ready-To-Run

