The People of Mûmakan, the Mûmakani were a collection of more than 400 ethnic groups. They were believed to be descendants of the Koro-Akanli, a collection of wandering tribes of the early second Age, and thus relatives of the Mûlambûril,Tantûrakim, and Ûsakanril.
Their late Third Age descendants were known as the Mahûd.
Mûmakani of renown[]
Abûndal Abûdur Abushan Apyssan Amaav Amâvlar Kâmak Tâmak Marai Morbata Shalar Shandamal Shîdur Tûru Makûbar Ûkan
Among the larger and better-known tribes these were most prominent:
- Kralakril
- Akrilganak
- Mârani
- Ûmalathûma
- Sîril
- Ôkama
- Sôrbahlam
- Sûmani
- Ûsirgâma
- Zamaril
- Akûnzama
- Batani
- Madana
- Mûdhalasôram
- Nûlakana
- The Mûmakani are fond of wearing leopard and lion skins. (The skin must always come from an animal killed directly by the wearer.) In general, the Mûmakani consider too many clothes unpractical for the wilderness. In all cases — men as well as women—they like to wear many amulets and charms, which often are said to have magical qualities. The Mûmakani also have a definite liking for gold and bronze jewelry.
- The Mûmakani fear spirits of the dead and most sorts of sorcery.
- The Mûmakani are ruled by a caste of holy warriors (the Sôramril) and by tribal priests (the Mûmathûmril). Every Mûmakanar has a place in the tribal community; roles vacated by the death or status elevation of their former occupants are properly filled by others.
- The Mûmakani worship a great number of gods and spirits. Besides the Ûmala (gods corresponding to the Valar and Maiar), spirits of mighty warriors, great chieftains and wise priests are also worshipped. The mightiest deities are Amâv (tribal demigod of Mûmakan), Mûdhala (god of darkness), Kadû-baka (god of death), Lakabah (god of the great jungles),Akava (god of water) and, of course, Makûma (god of the underworld and destroyer of Men). Tribal religion is controlled by a priestly caste, the Mûmathûmûri, which oversees rituals, conjures living corpses and
performs sometimes bloody sacrifices.
The Mûmakani are among the darkest-skinned peoples in Middle-earth. They are typically extremely robust and athletic, and are very tall.
The Mûmakani are patriarchal, though the intensity of the male-dominated nature of their society varies between tribes. In some, women are married off with as much thought given to them as livestock, while in others, men and women live apart after marriage and the mother has the greatest influence on her children.
A variety of Ûmala ("Gods/spirits" are worshipped. The greater of these correspond to Valar and Maiar, but others are identified with great heroes and kings. Belief in reincarnation forms part of Ûmalaism. A man who has become an Ûmala is capable of gathering power in order to be reborn. This concept was invented by Indur Dawndeath when he claimed to be the reincarnation of the legendary first king Amâv.
These deities are known:
- Akawa (Ulmo), the god of water, rulers of rivers and the ocean. The great whales are regarded as his sacred animals.
- Akûnar, a spirit who is neither good nor evil, a spirit of uncontrolled rage, the main spirit of the warrior-caste aside from Mûbada.
- Ahsûli (Nienna), the never-dying spirit of wisdom and pity.
- Bagadi, the spirit of blood and sister of Akûnar, who is neither good nor evil. Her sacred animal is the lion.
- Hagama (Manwë) lord of the clouds, once viewed as high god until Indur Dawndeath replaced him with the supremacy of Makûma.
- Kadû-baka (Mandos), god of death; his power is feared greatly.
- Lakabah (Oromë) god of journeys and the jungle. He is most often worshipped by hunters.
- Makûma (Morgoth) destroyer of mankind, who destroys all those who stands against him and offers great power.
- Mamûli (Yavanna) goddess of the earth, the bringer of spring.
- Mûbadahr (Gothmog), the god of war and lord of destruction, a spirit of unbridled terror and rampant destruction. He is revered by the warrior caste.
- Nûba-baka (Irmo) god of visions. Toxic herbs may be ingested in order to receive visions from him.
Outer information[]
The Mûmakanin language, made up by the ICE Authors, was spoken mainly in the South of Middle-Earth and is loosely based on Abyssian vocabulary. Other, additional Mûmakanin added by fan-modules authors was based losely on arabian, old egyptian, Fon, Maninka, Zulu, and Malagasy.
- Realms of Arda: Akanli
- Lindefirion: Peoples of Middle-Earth