Mágó, Mágol or Old Magó (Mg.) was an Edainic language of the First Age. It was spoken by the House of Hador and closely related to Taliska (as both languages were heavily influenced by Nandorin) while unrelated (or at least far removed) from Halethian. Old Magó was the main source of later Adûnaic.
Known words[]
- Bolg - strong
- Gundu - Lord
- Inzil - Flower
- nothlir (?) - house, family
- rêda - heir
- rôs - foam, white crest of waves
- Samûri - Wise ones, Noldor
- sômar - wisdom
- Vidri - Wisdom
- Widris - Wisdom
- wing - spray, spindrift
- Aerin (?)
- Aglahad (?)
- Algund (?)
- Amlach (?)
- Andróg (?)
- Andvír (?)
- Asgon (?)
- Belemir (?)
- Belzagar (?)
- Bregor (?)
- Dírhavel/Dirhaval
- Fengel (?)
- Forweg (?)
- Gethron (?)
- Gildis (?)
- Grithnir
- Grithron
- Halog (?)
- Henderch (?)
- Ibal (?)
- Imlach
- Imrach
- Indilzar (?)
- Malach
- Marach
- Orlin (?)
- Ragnir
- Ulbar (?)
- Ulrad
- Zamin (?)
- Zimrahin
It is not entirely clear which names of the men of the house of Hador are actual Old Magó.Some names, including Adanel, Airin, Aradan, Ardamir, Eladar, Galdor, Galion, Glirhuin, Glorwendil, Gumlin, Gundor, Hador, Hathol, Huor, Húrin, Indor, Magor, Mailrond, Nienor, Niniel, Peleg, Saelind, Saelon, Tuor, Turambar, Turin are variously stated to be Noldoric-Sindarin/Goldogrin or Ilkorin/Nandorin in origin, but at least some may represent mixed forms or edainic names formally adjusted to Sindarin spelling and word formation. The Names Boromir and Tuor are once stated to represent such mixed forms.
At the Time JRRT was experimenting with finno-ugrian languages, this is in contradiction with the developement of later Adûnaic, which was heavily inspired by semitic languages.Beorian or Taliska shares many aspects with old Greek and anglo-saxon.