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Lothlorien, by Matěj Čadil (Wikimedia Commons)


The realm of Lórien

Fairest and most mysterious of the Elven realms in Middle-earth was the idyllic forest-realm of Lothlórien (S. “Lórien [of the] Blossom” or “Dream-flower”). Ruled by Celeborn and Galadriel after the destruction of Eregion, Lórien was a haven to all Elves who sought relief from the strife of Men, Dwarves, and the races of Darkness.

Other names[]

The land of Lothlórien had many names and epithets; in The Lord of the Rings it is usually referred to as simply Lórien, but to distinguish it from other uses of that term, it is here in this Wiki detailed under the name Lothlórien.
Other names and epithets:

  • Dreamflower – dream + flower
  • Dwimordene – archaic English: dweomer = “magic” + dene = “valley”; dweomer has several variant spellings (and meanings): cf. Dwimmerlaik, Dwimorberg.
  • Glornan – (S): “Valley of Gold”
  • The Golden Wood
  • The Hidden Land
  • Land of the Valley of Singing Gold
  • Laurelindórenan – (Q): “Land of the Valley of Singing Gold”
  • Laurenandë – (Q): “Valley of Gold”
  • Lindórinand – (N): “Vale of the Land of Singers”
  • Lómëanor – (Q): “Gloomy-land”
  • Lórien – (S): “Land of gold”; (Q): “Land of dream”
  • Lórien of the Blossom
  • Lórinand – (N): “Valley of Gold”
  • Nan Laur – (S): “Valley of Gold”
  • Taurelilómëa – (Q): “Forest-many-shadowed”
  • Tumbalemorna – (Q): “Deep-valley-black”
  • Tumbaletaurëa – (Q): “Deep-valley-forested”
  • Valley of Gold

Lórien ca. TA 1640-1650[]

Lórien ca. T.A. 1640-1650:

  • Political Organization: Kingdom (Monarchy).
  • Rulers: King Amroth.
  • Administrative Organization: Lórien functions as a set of interdependent units called Glades, each responsible for one aspect of the Elves' lives. The King coördinates the actions of the Glades and appoints the Masters from among his most skillful subjects. The land is held in common, but the Elves claim their homes and their movable goods as their own.
  • Population: 10,000 Noldor, Sindar, and Silvan Elves.
  • Military: 2000 Wardens, Guardians, Sentinels, Scouts, Cavalry
  • Products: Textiles, rope, herbs, healing.
  • Symbol: A Golden Mallorn Tree on a Green Field.

The Elves themselves live high above the forest floor on platforms known to Men as Flets. Family ties are not particularly strong among the immortal Elves, but they maintain a strong sense of community with one another. Elven society is remarkably egalitarian. Though Nimrodel, the love of Lórien’s King Amroth, was but a Silvan Elf, her lesser birth did not hamper her status in any way. The court of Amroth is startlingly informal. Any Elf or Elf-friend permitted within the forest of Lórien may speak freely before the King, whether to plead a suit or merely to be heard. Amroth uses this atmosphere of freedom to encourage the creation of the most beautiful songs, poems, and works of art known in Endor. More mundane crafts also have a home in Lórien. Wonderfully fine goods of silk and linen are among the items produced in specialized glades. Lórien is also the source of lembas, the nutritious and lightweight wafers associated with Elven travelers. Unfortunately, the Elves of Lórien do not sell their goods. Only friends and allies of Lórien may take Elven goods out of this realm, and never in bulk or with an eye for resale.

Lórien ca. TA 3018-3019[]

Lórien ca. T.A. 3018-3019: Lórien at this time (and indeed for quite some time before, since about T.A. 1981 when the Balrog awoke and Moria was abandoned by the Dwarves, and Amroth and Nimrodel departed) pursued a strictly isolationist policy; few outsiders, especially non-elves, were admitted, and indeed few even of other Elves visited here.

  • Political Organization: Realm.
  • Rulers: Lord Celeborn and Lady Galadriel.
  • Administrative Organization: Lórien functions as a set of interdependent units called Glades, each responsible for one aspect of the Elves' lives. The Lord coördinates the actions of the Glades and appoints the Masters from among his most skillful subjects. The land is held in common, but the Elves claim their homes and their movable goods as their own.
  • Population: 2,200 Sindar and Silvan Elves.
  • Military: 800 Wardens, Guardians, Scouts, Soldiers, Sentinels
  • Products: Textiles, rope, herbs, healing.
  • Symbol: A Golden Mallorn Tree on a Green Field.

Originally named Laurelindórenan (“Land of the Valley of Singing Gold”), the name of the realm was shortened first to Lothlórien (“Dreamflower”) and eventually to Lórien (“Dream”) as the Elves dwindled.
No evil entered into the Golden Wood, for by the power of the Lady and her Ring it preserved the timelessness and beauty of Eldamar.
The kingdom’s borders are defined by a great forest of Mallorn trees on the banks of the Anduin and Celebrant rivers. Local Northmen believe the land to be a home to baleful sorcery, and they keep their distance from it. The Elves do little to discourage this impression, for they value their privacy dearly. The last host to depart from Lórien was in T.A. 1410 at the bequest of Elrond to meet the forces of the Witch-king. Few Elves now leave the protection of the wood, save to visit their brethren in Lindon or Mirkwood or to prepare for their last voyage across the Great Sea. Outsiders are turned away unless they are Orcs, who receive a much more violent welcome. Trespassers who persist in entering Lórien frequently find themselves the victim of Elvish arrows. A lucky few are drugged and wake up among the forest’s eaves. The unfortunate are never seen again. Only those with the friendship of the Lord and Lady of the Wood may pass safely into the Elven realm.
Lórien was a special place of healing and magic, unlike any other in Middle-earth save perhaps Imladris. Time flowed unevenly there, even without the influence of Galadriel’s ring Nenya. Beneath the carefully tended mallorn trees, gardens filled with beautiful flowers and potent herbs abounded.

Regions and Rivers[]


Lothlórien (MERP)

Anduin Angle (Lórien) Celebrant E Naith Garden of Memory Hythe Lake Palailon Marshes of northeastern Lórien Nan Celebrant Nanduhirion Nelthil Nimrodel Parth Celebrant Quiet Garden Sâd Gilthiriad Taur Hith Thinglad Vinyards of Lórien

Places of Note[]

T.A. 1640-1650: Caras Galadhon Cerin Amroth Egladil Hawrim Taigh Hythe Lag-lhach Lag-orod Lag-thrugrim Nanduhirion Nimrodel's Cave

T.A. 3018-3019: Caras Eldar Caras Galadhon Celebrant Bridge Cerin Amroth Echad Andestel Egladil Great Mallorns of golden light Haldirith Hythe Lag-sharak Lórien caves Mekhem-bizru Nanduhirion Nimrodel's Cave Northern Bridge Talan Atharchen Talan Brethil Talan Dolinhen Talan Fanuidhol Talan Gwilith Talan Haldir Talan Mallelas Talan Orthelian Talan Revail Talan Tirith

The Glades[]

The fortunate visitor in Lórien would soon see that the Elves of the Golden Wood were far from sedentary beings. Although the majority of the population was Silvan (and so anarchic by nature), there were many Sindar and Noldor. And of course, a Noldorin Lady would not allow a realm to exist in chaos. Soon after her arrival in the Second Age, Galadriel ordered the groupings which had already formed of their own accord. Each guild, gathered around a specific clearing or glade in the wood, was known as a pelerin (S. “glade”, lit. “encircled by forest"; pl. piliryn).

Weavers’ Glade[]

One of the larger glades, this group made most of the clothing for the populace of Lórien, as well as other woven items such as ropes, the plaited screens used to divide flets, and any other items of cloth or related materials.
Near the borders of the Wood were many small fields (tended by the Woodsmen) where a cotton-like plant was grown. From this was made the fine grey cloth preferred by the Sindar, as well as the more rustic apparel of the Silvan Elves. A tall grass related to hemp was also grown, and the long, soft strands, once treated in a manner known only to the Weavers, attained a very high tensile strength. It was used for bowstrings, thread for heavier garments, and was woven to make the silky ropes necessary in the day-to-day life of the tree-dwellers.

Boatmen’s Glade[]

Although Lórien did not use many boats, there were several vessels maintained at all times in the “Hythe” along the Silverlode. Some were barges, others small canoes (like the Fellowship used), a few were truly seaworthy craft. These vessels were primarily for use on the Silverlode and Anduin, however, to carry messengers from the Golden Wood.
The members of this small pelerin built and maintained the boats and were skilled operators of these ships as well.

Guardians’ Glade[]

Even the power of Nenya could not completely thwart all determined intruders, and so the Guardians were necessary. In this glade the defenders of the Wood were trained. Those Elves, like Haldir, guarded the perimeter and watched the surrounding lands. Elves were known for their stealth and keen senses; these were the finest of their kin. All were trained in weapons use, were adept with the long knife, and were deadly with their long Elven bows.
The Guardians communicated while stationed on their perimeter flets or spread out on a scouting mission via an elaborate language of bird-cries.

Smiths’ Glade[]

Although the smiths of Lórien were unquestionably far from the sophistication of the master smiths of Eregion, many Noldor went with Galadriel when she left Ost-in-Edhil in the Second Age. Some of these – including Curudol and Aegnor the Master-smith – were members of the Gwaith-i-Mirdain, and they tutored the smiths of Lórien. These forgers were able to create weapons, armor and tools of unique, delicate beauty and superior (though not exceptional) strength.

Bakers’ Glade[]

The Elves of this Glade were the cooks of Lórien, specializing in grinding the harvested grains into flour, the making of breads and cakes (including the Elven waybread, Lembas) in their large, open-air ovens, and other, similar chores. Hardly simple bakers, though, this guild also made cheese and butter, harvested honey, fermented wine and mead, and brewed beer.

Minstrels’ Glade[]

These were the Loremasters of the Golden Wood, remembering in song the long history of the Elves. Their job was no less important than any other in Lórien. The Minstrels were master-singers, teaching the young and preserving the magical spell which held the wood apart from the rest of the world.

Craftsmen’s Glade[]

The members of this guild fashioned most items which did not fall under the category of “weaving” or “smithing”. Thus they made all items of wood, such as flets. They worked closely with the woodsmen, both in the gathering of timber (from trees outside of Lórien proper) and when fashioning new flets or telain).

Woodsmen’s Glade[]

These were the keepers of the forest. Though there was a great power maintaining the health of the wood, more mundane maintenance was also necessary. The paths had to be maintained, and the timber forests on the perimeter tended. These timber woods were of course not mallorns, but fine beech, birch, and other light-colored woods. Woodsmen also worked with the Craftsmen when designing flets for the mallorns, training branches to grow a certain way to make the platforms as sturdy as possible. The central job of the Woodsmen was the maintenance of Lórien’s gardens, vinyards, and fields. This was the largest Glade, and was often supplemented by members of other groups to help during harvest periods. Small fields within the forest boundaries yielded bountiful harvests of grains, fruits, and vegetables. Vineyards started with cuttings from the renowned vines of Dorwinion, had achieved new quality under the power of Galadriel.


Main article: Elves of Lórien


Elves: Aegnor of Mirdaithrond Aldan of Caras Galadhon Aldaron of Lórien Aldawen Amdír Malgalad Amglin Amroth son of Amdír Annaniel Aranel Arvaire Balendil Balglin Barahim Belegcam Belenthrod Bragolhir Calaglin Carihir Carnil the Vintner Celeborn the Wise Celebrith Cirlos Ciryon Corudan Curudol Dagnos Dínendal Eirien Elandar Eloar Elramar Elring Eltariel Eornis Erethón Esgaldil Esteledhel Faelwen Fanar Fereveldir Ferevellon Galadriel Gilien Glauridhin Glosnar Gwindion Hadroneth Haldir Idrial Isilwen Ivren Kelmandol Lalornil Legandir Linalin Linwen Lólindir Losduilas Luinil Lysanor Mablung Maeldil Maethoron Malkir Meleth Meluibrennil Míriel Mithrellas Moriel Naragond Nilfaleth Nimenor Nimrodel Olphadon Ordulus Orophin Pengedhel Rathgil Rhimbron Rhomrin Ringlin of Lórien Rúmil of Lórien Santhirwen Seregon Tathar of Lórien Tathariel Taurnil Thandronen Tharos Thónnas Thontur Tinalin Turalos Turlinde Urthel Uruviel Vellá of Lórien



Elanor Huorns Mallorns Mushrooms


  • MERP #2210: Middle-earth Adventure Guidebook II
  • MERP #3200: Lórien & the Halls of the Elven Smiths
  • wiki