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Lostladen, later known as the Desert of Lostladen, was a southern land and former kingdom ruled by Númenóreans. Ever since the Ban of the Valar restricted the Númenóreans from sailing West, many began to explore the eastern part of the world and the shores of Middle-Earth. A large group of Númenórean colonists traveled for days to reach this beautiful country and made it their nation in S.A. 600. Ruled by the kings during the Second Age, Lostladen began to slowly fall into ruin when a civil war broke loose following Númenór's destruction. In the mid-Third Age lostladen was ruled by two major desert-rivers, the Pezar and the Ode Chelkar, and was home to three near-haradron Kingdoms known as Chelkar, Pezarsan and Harûzan, during the later Third Age however the rivers ran dry and the region became more and more inhospitable and the desert took over the land, leaving only small desperate tribes of nomads left.

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  • J.R.R. Tolkien, Christopher Tolkien (ed.), The War of the Ring, "Part Three: Minas Tirith", "The Second Map", pp. 413, 426 (note 35), 435, 439 (note 4)
  • J.R.R. Tolkien, Christopher Tolkien (ed.), The War of the Ring, "Part Three: Minas Tirith", "The Second Map", p. 426
  • J.R.R. Tolkien, Christopher Tolkien (ed.), The Lost Road and Other Writings, "Part Three: The Etymologies", pp. 367, 370