Lost Elves (Q. "Vanwar", S. "Laithrim") or Auara-Lai (Av."The Gone-away People") was a name given by their kinsfolk to those Elves who mysteriously disappeared, either in Cuivienen or during the Great Journey. It may be possible that these Elves were killed by Evil beasts or accidents, or abducted by the Hunters of Melkor. Later Scholars theorized that they may have become Fallen Elves or the ancestors of the earliest Orcs, but the Eldar did not want to talk about the Lost Ones or even discuss these possibilities, and put a cloak of silence on those who had vanished without a trace in their earliest history.
Lost Ones of Note[]
Imin; Iminye; Elmo; Enel; Enelye; Lenwë; Nelwë; Sepori; Tata (Elf); Tatie; Tuvo