Lossëmírë (Q."Snow Jewel", SA 2642—2942) was a Númenórean princess, the third child and only daughter of Tar-Calmacil (Ar-Belzagar) and his queen, Glirdis, younger sister of Tar-Ardamin and Gimilzagar. She was born in the later years of her father's life, during the height of Númenórean expansion in Middle-earth. Lossëmírë is known for her beauty, intelligence, and her unique position within the royal family as a figure of dissent, aligning herself with the Faithful (Elendili) rather than the King’s Men (Arandili). Though her life is shrouded in mystery, Lossemírë represents the internal divisions that plagued Númenor in its later years.
Her name, meaning "Snow Jewel" in Quenya, suggests a lingering influence of Númenor’s Elvish heritage, despite her father’s efforts to distance the royal family from such traditions. This may hint at her mother’s potential role in preserving some cultural elements associated with the Faithful.
Boromir: "Is it not a strange fate that we should suffer so much fear and doubt for so small a thing? So small a thing!" - J. R. R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring II:10 |