a Longknife
The long Knife was a kind of Knife or Dagger. The short Seax was a single-edged Dagger used by the Rohirrim.the elves knew types of long bladed knives known as cri, cirma and sigil, orcs used a bent and saw-toothed variant called "Thauk".Technically "long knife" could also refer to a "messer" type of weapon including falchions or cleavers.
In english terminology "long knife" may refer to many different types of longer bladed weapon that are not considered "swords".Historically the "Long knife" ("Langmesser") or "Great Knife" referred to some specific types of german blades, the "Peasant's sidearm" ("Bauernwehr", "Hauswehr"), long , mostly single-edged ,straight-bladed sword- or bill-hook like weapons, with or without crossguard, used by farmers and commoners and the "War knife" , a curved, almost sabre or machete, like weapon used by Landsknechts and other professional mercenaries.