The "lonely Troll" was a figure of Hobbit poetry and legend.He was at home in a house in the hills of faraway, somewhere near the shire and between the weathertop and the great sea.He was most unusual in that he did not eat meat, steal or kill, drank tea instead of beer and dearly wanted to have friends.He eventually became friends with the young hobbit lad Perry-the-Winkle , whom he met when he once visited Micheldelving in the shire and all folk, but perry hid from him in fear.In answer to him being rejected by the hobbits he too rejected their friendship and stayed alone, except for weekly visits from perry whom he taught to be a good baker.
In-world speculation[]
Some believed that "lonely Troll" was roughly based on a real person, a man known as "Trowie" who had lived near the shirebounds in the years shortly after the wars of Angmar and who reputedly had "some trollish blood".