"We were told by the Warden of the Beacon-tower, a garrulous man in dire need of more human companionship, that "Lond Nornin", the contemporary name of this estuary, meant "Haven of Oaks". The local dialectal word norn "oak" was new to us.it's proper form im the King's Sindarin was of course "doron", and the name of the haven should have been "Lond Deryn". As His Majesty also knows, in Minas Tirith "Norn" is an old term for "Dwarf". But when we remarked to the Warden, purely in jest, that in the Capital Lond Nornin would likely be interpreted as "Haven of Dwarves", he became insulted and asked us to leave. Clearly the subtleties of a cultured wit are wasted on such bumpkins" -Findegil of Gondor
Lond Deryn was the name given to the outflow of the River Engui in Andrast, where the Númenóreans made a landing for the purpose of felling timber from the great oak forests that then covered the Nan Engui. The onginal Númenórean harborworks, abandoned since the time of the Downfall, were restored and expanded with the founding of Tharagrondost in T.A. 1652. This expansion led to the construction of a beacon tower at the tip of the small headland near the mouth of the Engui, which doubled as a lighthouse for incoming ships. Because of the natural shelter offered by the waters of Lond Deryn, the haven was in constant use throughout the later Third Age (though for the most part this traffic was restricted to naval vessels).
- MERP:Southern Gondor:The Land