Lintador Wanderers
After the disastrous Battle of Palisor the early Hildor split up into two factions, the Lintanoi (Av."Swift-folk" Q."Lintiënórë") and the Asrabi (Av."Lawless Folk"). The Lintanoi were led by the noble Ermon, and resisted the influence of the Dark Lord, fleeing from the east, while the Asrabi under Ermon's brother Elmir remained under the influence of the Shadow and spread over the East. The Lintador were the ancestors of the Edain but also the early men of Eriador, Rhovanion, Gondor, Near-Harad and Rhûn.
Original form in MERP:Lintador = Lintanoi =Lintiënórë
The Lintadorin languages, made up the the ICE Authors, were spoken mainly in western Middle-Earth and are loosely based on Hittite vocabulary.