Near to the juncture where the Bleak Mountains bent westwards to form the Aeglir Arvethed there rose a peak known to the Elves of Evermist as Linnarthurras (S. "Peak of Indomitable Song"). Here stood the frozen form of Lindor, the Noldorin lord who had faced Eloeklo, Demon of the North Wind, in an epic combat. Though lifeless, his body still stood upon the mountain's pinnacle like a sentinel. Neither time nor wind nor weather had been able to cast Lindor's body from this high place. The Cuiviémar said that Lindor had sung a song of victory as he strove with Eloeklo, and that in spring one could still hear a distant singing, beautiful and calm, high upon the mountain. It was said that Eloeklo avoided the mountain; though he had won the battle, he had only bitter memories of the fight.