Lindalf (S. "Fen Tundra") encompassed the northern portion of the Lakeland, constantly deluged by the watersheds of the Bleak Mountains to the west. Rain and snow-melt off the mountains washed into this shallow, bowl-like plain. The majority of the water eventually found its way north and east into the Forsaken Sea, leaving in its wake a morass of tangled marsh, cold swamp and deep bog. The fens shifted and wandered as the whim of winter storms or spring rains dictated. As the Lumimiehet who hunted along its fringes said, "Last month's hunting trail may be this month's swamp."
Lindalf received a sinister reputation from some of its more malevolent residents. Marsh-drakes laired near the Bleak Mountains, while further south and east mysterious lights as of candles or lanterns lured wanderers to a nameless doom.
Summer brough a great greening to the Fen Tundra, with cattails and marsh grasses growing in profusion. Marsh birds migrating from the South transformed the wetland into one huge rookery. Blue otters, black mink and giant martens all came out in search of birds and eggs. Lumimies hunters came too, often willing to trouble the waters deep into the tundra in search of freshly laid eggs and succulent squab. The Trolls and Orcs from the Bleak Mountains were a danger only in summer when they too came to hunt and fish the pools and mires.
In winter, the birds migrated south and the predators either hibernated or settled for lesser prey hidden under the snow. The cold of winter froze the marshland, making it safer to traverse, but by no means safe. In the late autumn and early spring, the frozen pools were not easy to judge, and what looked like a solid path could break beneath laden travelers, plunging them into a cold, thick mud.
It was treacherously boggy year round, thanks to scattered hot springs and monsters dwelling in the mud. Water was draining off the surrounding hard tundra flows slowly eastward into the Lost Sea. This barrier prevented the Ice-Orcs and worse creature of the Utter North from troubling the Lossoth.