The New Notion Club Archives
The New Notion Club Archives

One among the host of Olwë, Lenwë (originally called Dân , "He who turned his back" in Nandorin or Denweg in Sindarin) abandonned the Great Journey West when the Teleri arrived on the banks of the Anduin River. He traveled southward along the water, and many Elves went with him. They became the Nandor, who loved running streams and dwelt beside cascades. Although of the Eldar, they were Moriquendi who never saw the light of the Two Trees. Their descendants came later to dwell in Greenwood the Great, under Oropher and then Thranduil,under Lanthir in Taur Romen and in Lórien under Amroth and later Galadriel and Celeborn. Lenwe vanished from history or forsook his people out of unknown reason and by the Second Age the Nandor of Rhovanion were led by Elves of Sindarian and Noldorian descent. Lenwe's fate remains unknown.


  • It should be speculated through common sense and published readings that Lenwe was at Greenwood the Great for majority of the First Age. Joined by the Avari of the east, he and his people probably traded with middle men, but eventually in the Second Age, Oropher would come along and establish a fortress in Lenwe's realm causing many of the fellow Silvan to honor Oropher as king due to his lineage to Elwe. Lenwe may have left towards Edhellond or remained with Oropher and acknowledge him as king--but no one can know for sure.
  • Since had at least had names in both Quenya and Sindarin it is quite possible the returning Sindar and Noldor still met him or at last knew of him.


  • Dân
  • Denweg
  • Denwego
  • Lenwe