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The New Notion Club Archives

The term Lemberin or Ilkorin was sometimes used to refer to the languages of the Umanyar, including the Sindar, and Nandor. These languages, also called Umanyarin Telerin represented the Umanyarin branch of the Telerin language family, distinct from the Eldaric languages spoken by the Eldar who reached Aman. Lemberin was characterized by its divergence from Archaic Telerin, retaining features of the original Common Telerin, while developing independently in central Middle-earth.



  • Originally Ilkorin was a separate, rather undeveloped sideline among J.R.R. Tolkien's elven languages, it was neither early Quenya nor Goldogrin/Pre-Sindarin, though more closely related to the latter. It later eventually evolved into Tolkien's Nandorin and Avarin languages, all of which were never much elaborated. Some authors however have argued that the original Ilkorin/Lemberin survived and just was re-devised as the Sindarin dialect known as Mithrimin or north-Sindarin.
  • The Sindarin names Thranduil, Legolas, Amroth, and Nimrodel are sometimes guessed to be rooted in Lemberin but were later redevised as Nandorin or Nandorin-influenced Sindarin. Also Celeborn's native tongue was originally considered Lemberin, but was later re-devised as Telerin.