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The New Notion Club Archives

Legolas Greenleaf

"A red sun rises. Blood has been spilled this night."

Legolas (born T.A. 1086 (N)) was the son of Thranduil, the Elven-king of

northern Mirkwood. He was Thranduil's emmissary to the Council of Elrond, and one of the Nine Walkers on the quest to destroy the One Ring. He retired to the shores of Lebennin and eventually sailed into the West.


  • dark head
  • tall as a young tree, lithe, immensely strong
  • cheerful, youthful, humorous nature


  • Bow of the Galadhrim - magical bow
  • Cloak of the Galadhrim - magic cloak of stealth and hiding
  • Cloak of Mirkwood
  • Elven Dagger
  • Elven Arrows of Mirkwood
  • Elven Bow of Mirkwood
  • Elven Brooch
  • Elven shoes
  • green and brown garb
  • shining Hauberk of Rohan
  • Legolas' Sword (N) - leaf-shaped Wood-elven sword
  • Long-knife of Legolas ("White Blade") - elven long-knife
  • Orc-Arrows of Isengard
  • pauldrons of Rohan (N)
  • Quiver of Mirkwood
  • Quiver of Caras Galadhon
  • Rohirrim Helm
  • Rohirrim Round Shield -boss overlaid with gold and set with gems, green and red and white
  • Sinda Greaves (N)
  • Sinda Vambraces (N)
  • sword of Rohan - Rohir broad sword (N)
  • Tinalin's Cape
  • White Arrows of Lórien
  • Wood-elven armour -leather-armour/scale-armour (N)



Legolas in many things resembles Legolas of Gondolin, but the two were not the same person.Legolas I was a Noldo who lived in Gondolin and later on Tol Eressëa, Legolas II was most likely born after the War of the Last Alliance.It still could be possible to interpret Legolas II as a kind of reincarnation of Legolas I.
