In the Second Age, Númenóreans settled on the plains and the aboriginal Daen either withdrew to the mountain valleys or were assimilated. The ethnic mixing created the, common people, shorter and somewhat stockier than the Dúnedain, yet higher and more often bright-eyed than pureblooded Daen. However, the sophisticated Númenórean culture had been victorious even without this mixing wiping out almost all traces of Daen traits. In the Ered Nimrais valleys, the influence of the old Daen culture was still stronger. While the pure-blooded Orodbedhrim lived above the timberline in primitive clans, their relatives in the lower valleys had adapted mostly to Númenórean culture and customs, though they still differed in looks from the average commoner, being shorter and stockier and almost invariably having dark brown hair and eyes.
While the mountain tribes were an integrated part of Gondorian society, they had remained clannish, and an age-old concept of honor retained its importance. In many ways the dwellings of the Daen of the mountain valleys resembled those of the fathers of Men in Dor-Lomin in the First Age.
The "lowland Daen", despite having adopted Westron as their native language, retained much of their culture's rich oral tradition, and many of their ballads and songs (translated into Westron) antedated the Númenórean presence.
The Anduin shore was dotted with fishing villages ihabited by common folk. In the remote parts of the Ethir Anduin itself and the Loeg Balimur, however, there were independent tribes of Sakalai origin.These swamp-dwellers were smaller and lither than the commoners, and mostly had almost black hair and dark brown eyes.they resembled small, black-haired Daen and it was assumed that these swamp tribes were a mixture of Daen and Southron stock akin to those living in eastern Harondor.