A Haradron Tribal Leader
A Leader is the head of a group of people. Leader may refer to a Captain or a Noble, a Chieftain, Sage, Lord,King, Ruler, headman or headwoman.
Leaders of Note:[]
- Annael of Mithrim
- Dain II Ironfoot
- Bolg the Strong
- Denethor II of Gondor
- Ghân-buri-Ghân
- Haleth the Huntress
- Wilcome Whitfoot
Leader may refer to:
- An angmarean Thrallmaster
- An Aran, Ernil, Hír, Roquen or Thangon (Dúnedain)
- An Autarb, Balabett, Balazain, Chak, Djai, Hetman,P´tan, Sihad, Tarb, Tarezain or Tyatarb (Haradrim)
- A Baas of the men of Enedhwaith and Minhiriath
- A Babivi (Drel)
- A Bar or Barûn (Black numenoreans)
- A Brenhin (Dunlendings)
- Cáno, Cunn or Kânô, Thegor and Tur, Tôr,Dor or tûrô (Elves)
- A Cean (Saerlanners)
- A Ceanaird or Acrosma (Dunmen)
- A Chak (Urdwan)
- A Drâghu (Drúedain)
- A Durub, Shakh, Fha-Korlash, Drartul, Rroshatar, Gottul, Goth, Great Goblin, Ashdurbuk or Zotan-lufutatar (Orcs)
- An Easterling Matriarch
- A Fadar of the Northron Outlaws
- A Frathagaman (Beornings)
- A Gentlehobbit, Thain or Major
- A Gora (Beffraen)
- A Gundu of the Bëorians
- A Hando (Dúnedain)
- A Hion, Mûl, Brâm, Kâg or Kanga (farthest East)
- A Hûra, Hûz, Kân, Kazar, Lyhud or Szem (Easterlings)
- An Iarl or Earl
- A Jilhan of the Tuktans
- A Keasha-Nir or Town-overseer in Far Harad
- A Khekavrath or spiritual leader of the Variags
- A Beffraen Klag
- A Macu of the Sederi
- A Mahûd King, Tribe-Master or Beastmaster-Chieftain
- A Northman Master
- An "Old One" or Chaialla-Matriarch
- Sangemekh or Song-mothers (Chayasir)
- A "Sey" of the Ahar
- A Targ or Magtuma (Hillmen)
- A Thegn or Thign (Woodmen, Rhudaureans)
- A Tietaja (Snowmen)
- A Thyn or Huithyn (Northrons)
- An Uzbad of the Dwarves
The Leader is a playable profession in Rolemaster. Similar or derived Classes are :Arch Mage, Chaotic Lord, Diplomat, Grand Vizier, Kuge, Noble du Robe, Paladin, Sage, Theocratist.