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The Last Alliance of Elves and Men (S."Medui Gwedhen") also known as the Great Alliance was the great military league formed in the Second Age 3430 between the High Elves of Middle-earth and the Dúnedain of Gondor and Arnor. This alliance, the last great union of the Eldar and the Edain, was forged to confront the growing power of Sauron, who had established his dominion over Mordor and launched devastating wars against the Free Peoples. The Last Alliance waged waged the War of the Last Alliance, culminating in tge Siege of Barad-dûr and the defeat of Sauron, though the failure to destroy the One Ring ensured that evil would return in later ages.

Last Alliance Leaders:[]

The Forces of the Last Alliance[]

The Last Alliance gathered the greatest host seen since the War of Wrath, drawing warriors from across the lands of Elves and Men. The armies assembled at Rivendell, where the banners of Gil-galad and Elendil were unfurled, and the High King of the Noldor swore an oath upon Aeglos, his spear, that the darkness would be driven from Middle-earth.

The Hosts of the Elves[]

The Eldarin hosts were led by Gil-galad, last High King of the Noldor, and consisted of the greatest warriors of the Elven realms:

  • Noldor of Lindon under Gil-galad, the strongest of the Eldarin hosts, wielding weapons of great craftsmanship.
  • Sindar of Mithlond under Círdan the Shipwright, supporting the Noldor with archers and swift skirmishers.
  • Galadhrim of Lothlórien under Amdír and his son Amroth, bringing a contingent of forest archers and scouts.
  • Elves of Greenwood the Great under Oropher and Thranduil, who marched in defiance of Sauron’s growing shadow in the East.
  • Elves of Rivendell under Elrond Half-elven, bringing knowledge of ancient tactics and elven magic.
  • Elves of Eregion under Glorfindel, the last remnants of the once-great smiths of Ost-in-Edhil, bringing finely wrought armor and the wisdom of the Eldar to the field.
  • Avorrim of Edhellond under Cirdur, a small force of mariners and scouts skilled in swift strikes and naval support.
  • Nandorin Elves of the Anduin Vale under Lathion, a host of river-wardens and light cavalry, acting as vanguard and harassing the enemy in open terrain.
  • Brown Elves of Sîrgala under Merethorn, a small but determined host to battle, bearing longbows and fighting with swift hit-and-run tactics

The Hosts of Men[]

The Men of the West answered Elendil’s call, mustering the full might of the Dúnedain from both Gondor and Arnor:

  • The Army of Gondor under Anárion, composed of steel-clad infantry, archers, and the mighty cavalry of the southern Dúnedain.
  • The Army of Arnor under Elendil, drawing warriors from Annúminas, Fornost, and Cardolan, wielding heirlooms of Númenor.
  • The Northmen of Rhovanion, allies of Gondor, who brought axe-wielding warriors and horsemen from the plains.
  • The Hillmen of Eriador, fierce warriors who swore fealty to Elendil and strengthened the march of the northern host.
  • Fishermen of the Anduin Delta under Borlad, a smaller force of boatmen and river-raiders skilled in ambushes and swift strikes along the Anduin.
  • Haradrim Rebels under Mazîr of Abrakhân, a warlord of the south who turned against Sauron and led a small force of desert warriors to fight alongside the Free Peoples

Other Forces[]

Other Free Peoples lent their strength to the war:

  • Dwarves of Khazad-dûm under Durin IV, who marched with the armies to battle Sauron’s orcs and smith war-machines.
  • The Great Eagles of the Misty Mountains, who scouted the enemy and harassed their supply lines.

Opposing Members:[]


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