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The New Notion Club Archives
The New Notion Club Archives

Laën (Lin. "Gift"), a near-unbreakable rock with glass-like texture, was usually found in volcanic areas and determined by scholars to be a relic of the great wars between the Valar and Morgoth. It was similar in composition and nature to Obsidian, and may have been a result of the same process. The Tower of Orthanc in Isengard was made of Laën, as well as the first Ring of Minas Tirith. Buildings in Armenelos were also said to be of the same material. Most common was the Black Laën, although other colors and transparent variants existed. Laën carving was a very rare craft, only known to the most advanced of races.


  • MERP Rulebook 2nd Edition
  • The Gems of Middle-earth, online essay by William E Wilson