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Lúthien Tinúviel

Luthien of Doriath

The Nightingale of Doriath

Other names, titles, and epithets
Fairest of the Children of Ilúvatar

The Nightingale of Doriath
Bride of the Mortal
Heir of Melian
Bearer of the Silmaril
Singer of Angband
The Twice-Born Maiden

Moonlight Dancer
Time Period
Y.T. 1200 - F.A. 466
reincarnated 467-503

Lúthien (S. "Daughter of Flowers" or "Enchantress") by her husband named Tinúviel (S. "Daughter of Twilight"; PQ."Nightingale") was the most beautiful of all the Eruhini, and while wearing the Nauglamir was considered the most entrancing sight outside of Valinor. Her powers were such to match her beauty, for she was the daughter of the Maia Melian of Doriath and the Elven High-king Thingol. Under the tutelage of her Ainu mother, Lúthien mastered the art of song as no other in Middle-earth before her or since. Lúthien fell in love with the mortal Beren Ercharmion, against the wishes of her father. Thingol sent Beren on a mission to prove himself worthy of Lúthien: to steal a Silmaril from the Iron Crown of Morgoth and return with it to Doriath. Only by the power of Luthien was this possible, for she sang a song so beautiful as to enthrall Sauron and the Black Enemy himself. She and her beloved cut a Jewel from the Crown and escaped. As they fled, however, Morgoth's Fell-wolf, Carcharoth, attacked Beren and bit off the hand that bore the Silmaril. Beren and Lúthien made it to Doriath, despite Beren's wound, and they were married. Unfortunately, Beren was later killed when he tried to hunt down the Wolf Carcharoth and recover the Jewel. Lúthien was so bereaved that she died of anguish. Her spirit passed westward to the Halls of Mandos. Upon reaching the doors of the Halls, she sang to Námo (the Vala who held the Doom of all the children of Iluvatar) and so moved him that he granted Beren and her another life together — an act of surpassing compassion which has yet to be repeated. Thus, Lúthien Tinúviel and Beren were reunited, on the isle of Tol Galen where they lived out their mortal lives in bliss.


Lúthien was tall (6'6") and fair-skinned with hair dark as shadow, and possessed clear blue- grey eyes. She was without question the most beautiful and graceful woman ever born in Middle-earth. An unsurpassed singer and dancer, she favored flowing gowns of gossamer pastels.

Luthien Tinuviel

Luthien's Principal Items:[]

  • Dress of Blue , adorned with golden Flowers
  • Cape of Thuringwethil
  • The Dagger of the Dancer — blue mithril dagger
  • Golden Flagon
  • Gown of magical sleep
  • Magical Rope
  • Magical Bowl of silver
  • Magical Bowl of gold
  • Mother's Gift — Wreath of ever-beautiful white roses about Lúthien's head.
  • the Nauglamir - necklace which held the Silmaril.
  • The Sash of Yavanna — A multi-hued silken sash
  • Spinning wheel
  • Tinúviel's Loom and spindle
  • The Veil of Daeron — Lightweight dancer's garb,


  • Elentári (Q. "Star-Queen")
  • Half-Maia
  • Leithan
  • Lēyātāni (V. ???)
  • Lhûthien (S. "Daughter of Flowers" or "Enchantress")
  • Luðiennâ (Tal. "Lady of Light")
  • Melianiel (S. Daughter of Melian)
  • Melodiel (S. "Daughter of Love")
  • Melilot (Q."~ Flower of Love")
  • Silmarien (Q. "Maiden of the Shining Jewel")
  • Silmarildaneth (S. "Lady who Bears the Silmaril")
  • Shargil (Or. "Bright Ghost")
  • Tinúviel
  • Tinúmeril (S. "Queen of Twilight")
  • Zaugsha-tur (Or. "Voice of Doom")