The New Notion Club Archives
The New Notion Club Archives

The Lân (Av. "Children"), sometimes called The Old Race, were southern relatives of the ancient Zori people, possibly eastern relatives of the Edain, especially those of the House of Beor.Rumoured to be descendants of the Worim, they were one of the first races to settle the lands of Emer. They were tall, heavily boned, physically strong with dark brown or coal black hair, blue, grey or occasionally a bright green eyes and fair- skinned, from very pale to ruddy.


Original spelling in Loremaster:Laan

In the Kulthea setting of Rolemaster, the Laan are one of various races of High Men.


  • Rolemaster:Emer Atlas I: Haestra & the History of the Emerian Empire by Terry K. Amthor
  • Rolemaster: Emer Atlas II by Terry K. Amthor
  • Rolemaster:Haalkitaine and the Imperial Court of Rhakhaan by Terry K. Amthor
  • Shadow World Master Timeline