The New Notion Club Archives
The New Notion Club Archives

Kwênde was the most archaic name known for the few clans of elves who wandered the New Lands.Their origins are believed to have been wandering families of Avari who had fled Middle-earth since the First Age but the mortals who arrived later knew them by many different monikers such as "First people", "Long-ears", "Owners of the earth", "Sky spirits", "Star people", "pale brothers" and others.

They were never many and did not build large realms or fortresses, but there was some talk of one "Land without evil", presumably the last elven realm of the New lands, though it's exact location was unknown. Most were wanderers in the wilds, friends of animals, especially harts and deer and lived in the forests or mountain lands, mostly as hunter-gatherers ,though some also were growers, especially of special magical elven corn.


The Kwêndes appearance was that of typical Avari.Most were tall and lithe, though significantly smaller than the Eldar.Many had ruddy or ivory pale skin and most had dark hair and dark eyes, though some groups were known to have white or silver hair too.


Among the many smaller local clans and families seven larger groups or tribal federations were of some importance and known to men, though they associated many wrong and superstitious ideas with that shy and silent people.

the House of Domu[]

Domu]'s clan wanders the Sun Mountains, dressed in long black robes his people tend wild herbs and are renowned healers, though they have few contact with men except for reclusive mountain tribes.They are believed to know the location and route to the "land without evil" and are sometimes thought to act as its protectors.

The House of Kelebêu[]

Kelebêu's clan are hunters and woodsmen who stalk the wide Kesek Kelekl.They have been known to protect animals from human hunters and do not approve hunting or trapping in their changing domains.They are especially fond of hart and deer and tend to be unfriendly towards men, though it had been heard that Kelebêurinwi women have been helping lost women and children.

the House of Guenu[]

The clan of Guenu wander the coastal strip between Naypôwa and Apakwenêk.They tend to be loathing men and are reported to have watched mannish groups from afar, appearing as tall figures with wide brimmed hats and pale hair.They have been rarely approached by mortals with success and usually just seem to disappear when men come to close.

the House of Linu[]


The House of Linu were the only known ship-builders among the Kwênde.They reputedly made their home on a large grey magic ship of music which could on and off be seen before Vinyanórë's coasts and the Linu-Kwênde's merry singing and dance could be heard and seen from afar in the hours between dusk and dawn along with magical blueish lights.

the House of Yabu[]

Yabu's clan are renowned growers and farmers, especially of the mythical magic elven corn or maize.Their home was unknown but often believed to lie within the borders of the legendary "Land without evils" though there were stories according to which the white-robed Yabuinwi have helped out starving men in times of famine and to have actually brought the knowledge of how to grow crops to those Phîri who were agriculturalists.

the House of Leru[]

The Leruinwi were also known as the "Old people of the mountains" and were thought to have once been teachers of man until both races were alienated.They were known to be fiece warriors fighting Goblins and Trolls withn their deadly spears and arrows.

the House of Skelu[]

Skelus clan are a shy northern folk who wander the snowy lands of Ayûtlug.They dress in white animal furs and are known to men as "the Shy ones" or "the tall wanderers".
