A Cardolannon Knight
A Knight was a Warrior of a privileged class. Especially a Noble who has the right to fight from Horseback and may be a local Lord or Landowner.
In Middle-Earth Knight may refer to:
- A Roquen Inor of Arthedain
- A Dragon-Knight (Loke Innas Rim)
- The Elnaith or Elven-Knights
- A Morgûl-Knight
- A northron Driug
- A Rider of the Mark or "Ridder"
- A Númenórean Roquen
- A Sihad of the Haruze
- A Swan Knight of Dol Amroth
- One of Khamûl's Shadowknights
- A Witch-Knight of Angmar
Knights of Renown:[]
In Rolemaster and LOTRRPG the Knight is a playable profession or elite Order. Rolemaster also has related orders as the cavalier, Horseman, Lancer, Outrider, Templar, High Warrior, Noble Warrior, Paladin, Ronin and Samurai
- MERP:Arnor
- Third Age: Total War: Divide and Conquer