The Kingdom of Doriath, or simply Doriath (S. "Land [of the] Fence"; "Dor Iath"; Q."Lestanóre"), referred to the Girdle of Melian; earlier called Eglador, the kingdom of Thingol and Melian in the Forest of Neldoreth and the Forest of Region, ruled from Menegroth on the river Esgalduin. Also called the Hidden Kingdom and the Guarded Realm.
Regions and Rivers[]
Aros Celos Dimbar Esgalduin Forest of Brethil Forest of Neldoreth Forest of Region Garthurian Girdle of Melian Nivrim Arthórien Sirion
Places of Note[]
Beleg's Stronghold Beren's Lodge Borderwatch Fords of Aros Green Hill of Lúthien Hirilorn Iant Iaur Melian's Grotto Menegroth Nellas' Tree Radhrim Singer's Glade
Fairies of Artanor Iathrim Guest-Elves
Auredhir Beleg Cúthalion Beren Ercharmion Celeborn the Wise Daeron of Doriath Dior Eluchíl Doronul Elmo Elorn Firnaithon Elwing Evranin Galadhon Galadriel Galathil Gereth Ithilbor Iverin of Doriath Lúthien Tinúviel Mablung of the heavy Hand Melian of Doriath Morwen Eledhwen Narthseg Nellas of Doriath Nielthi Nimloth of Doriath Oropher Saeros of Doriath Thingol Thranduil Tinfang Gelion Torhir Ifant Túrin Turambar Ufedhín
Nightingales White Fairy Cattle
- Ardholen
- Artanor
- Arthórien
- Garthúrian
- Lestanórë
ReadLotRI319; II422;SUpassim, esp. 97.121-2; UT40- 70-9.81-3.85. 87-8. 90. 93- 144-