- "many of the Eldar in Middle-earth became corrupted, and their hearts darkened :by the shadow that lies upon Arda..."
- - Aelfwine, "Laws and Customs among the Eldar"
In the Elder Days, Elves who escaped from Angband's dungeons were not always welcomed back by their old communities. Twisted in mind and bent and broken in shape, refugees from Morgoth's realm often turned out to be traitors against their own will, for the Dark Lord surely knew how to find out their deepest and darkest secrets and wishes and managed to use them for manipulating his victims spirits via his Spell of Bottomless Dread. These were the Kaukareldar (Q. "Crooked Eldar" or "Bent Eldar"), most abhorred of them being Maeglin Lómion, the traitor of Gondolin. The Parma Túrëcormaron also called them Moriondor (Q. "Dark scions")
Kaukarelda Characters[]
- Adar
- Aelindureth
- Aluap
- Ardana
- Ardanini
- Ardaron
- Ardûala
- Bil-nirr
- Bil-surr
- Bilig-lann
- Billin-tiuri
- Blodrin
- Calendal
- Cambëtyelca
- Carambor
- Caurësaur
- Celedhring
- Elwen of Edhellond
- Fallên
- Fëatúro
- Fëaturille
- Iarillë
- Illindor
- Iridueni
- Khamthalun of Angmar
- Khelekar
- Kurkuwâra
- Linsûl
- Moraglar
- Mórënáro
- Mórësaur
- Narmeleth
- Ôrine
- Palandor
- Sagrog
- Seléun
- Sirnárë
- Srâwirakas
- Sûhirok
- Sûlgwîr
- Sûltumbo
- Tiuri-clax
- Tiuri-onnu
- Teleus
- Tolwen
- Ufedhin
- Valcahrissë
- Valmornólë
- Yávëcamba
- Yírdfos
Rolemaster has a race of evil, powerhungry Dark Elves , the "Dyari".Some of these are Priests Arnak, serving an impersonal, destructive power known as "the Iron Wind" or "the Unlife".
The term "Kaukareldar" only appears in Tolkien´s earliest drafts for the Book of Lost Tales, however the idea of elves whose mind and will was twisted and corrupted by Morgoth survived into his later works as the Silmarillion.This concept can be used to explain the existence of evil elves in MERP, as those characters from the court of Ardor or other evil elves from Mordor, Dol Guldur and the East.While in the Nature of Middle-Earth J. R. R. Tolkien stated that the Elves were not a fallen race and never rejected Eru or worshiped the Dark Lords, but could be terrorized, daunted deceived, tormented and enslaved, these elves aged faster and their carrying out of evil commands exhausted their life vigour.