The New Notion Club Archives
The New Notion Club Archives
Karmahelms (2)

Late Karma-derived Designs


Venturer wearing an archaic Karma-Helmet

The Karma or fish crest Helmet was the traditional númenorean Helmet worn by members of the guild of venturers.It was basically a high steel-helmet with a bulbed bell, a huge fish-crest, cheek guards, neck protection and nasals covered by multi-colored leather.Most likely it was inspired by Ulmo's wave-crested crown-helmet and similar models may zave been used earlier by the Falmari or Falathrim sea-warriors.

Derivations of the original númenorean model were worn by black númenoreans and the early corsairs of umbar until roughly the mid-third age.


Tolkien´s sketch of the Karma may have been inspired by the historical burgonet helmet.
