Kael ("Coast"; Originally Kaelân, D.S."Coastland") was located just east of the central Orocarni (Q. "Red Mountains"). It was situated along the southwestern shores of the Wêr Wômaw, the gulf west of the Wômaw Sea (Wm. "Owêr Wômaw"). Famous for its "Stone-walks," four covered highways, it was a civilized and well-settled land. Only the swamps of northern and eastern Kael remained untamed.The country had been settled by the Sûrk Kaelân (D.S."Coastal Wanderers") in the Second Age, whose largely wômarised descendants still comprised the majority of the population.
Amrillar Bay of Tanara Blackhorn Pass Gendhari-Moors Gendhari-Wood Red Pass Wômaw Reach
Places of Note[]
Astôs Gabilzahar Kael Ôrd Neän-Tân
- the Wild Lands south and East, Gazetteer by Pete Fenlon