The New Notion Club Archives
The New Notion Club Archives

The largest island chain in the Romenëar, Kôsth Lêr was comprised of nine major, and hundreds of minor, isles. Kael was located just east of the central Orocarni (Q. "Red Mountains"). The archipelago delineated the northern boundary of the Wômaw Sea (Wm. "Owêr Wômaw"). To the west was the Wêr Wômaw, or "Wômaw Gulf," while the frigid Helkëar lay to the north.


The main Islands of Kôsth Lêr

Unlike Uiven to the south, Kôsth Lêr was surrounding by cold, shifting currents and strong north winds. It was a rugged and nearly treeless domain populated by tough Wômaw seafarers ruled by a Kharal ("King"). Tatamâk Pîwân, the capital, housed no more than ten thousand residents.



Places of Renown[]

  • Sh'raz
  • Sh'ruz
  • Tatamâk Pîwân


Original form in MERP: Kosth Leer


  • the Wild Lands south and East, Gazetteer by Pete Fenlon