Jäänainen, known as The Lady of Cold and The Siren of Ice, was a malevolent Maia of frost and shadow, an ancient spirit of winter who dwelt in the Cracking Ice (S. Hûb Helcharaes), the frozen expanse of the Northern Waste. Though once among the lesser Ainur who shaped the world’s elements, she was drawn into the service of Morgoth, taking dominion over the bitter cold that seeped from the north.
She was elemental spirit of ice, hunger, and deception, appearing as a hauntingly beautiful woman, with long silver-golden hair that gleamed like hoarfrost in moonlight, and eyes of piercing blue—as cold and unfeeling as the glaciers of Forochel. She delighted in luring travelers into the desolate wilds, letting them freeze or starve, watching their slow demise with an eerie and detached fascination. Her presence in the North was feared by the Lossoth, the Snowmen of Forochel, who spoke of her in hushed tones as Jäänhaltija, the Frost Spirit.
ICE/MERP Information []

Jaanainen was a 100th level ice spirit/siren that had access to Sorceror, Bard, Open Channeling and Open Essence spells to the 30th level. GM's may wish to allow her to use spells of equivalent level to make the game more challenging and easier on himself.