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The New Notion Club Archives
"Ithilien", by Matěj Čadil, WikiMedia Commons
MERP - Ithilien
Ithilien ca. T.A. 1640 (MERP)
Other names Originally: (S.) Arnen;
"Land of the Moon"
Type Region; Royal Ward
Location Between Lower Anduin Vales, Ephel Dúath, Nindalf/­​Dagorlad, and Poros
Realm Gondor
Ruler (T.A. 1640) Queen Mirien of Gondor
Inhabitants Dúnedain, Ithilwaith
Language(s) Westron, Sindarin
Summary Original royal demesne of Isildur

Ithilien (S. ‘Land [of the] Moon’): This province of Gondor was founded by Isildur in 3320 Second Age as his personal demesne. It was the land east of the Great River and west of the Mountains of Shadow, and was bordered by Dagorlad and the great marshland of Nindalf in the north and the Poros river in the south, and was noted for its trees, hills and streams, especially in the northern part of the province.

Regions and Rivers[]

Alagdor Anduin Ascarwing Cair Andros Cirith Dúath Cirith Helkond Clearfalls Cliffs of Shadow Cormallen Curedain Cypress Hills Desolation Dinnen Dor-Brannidor Elemir Emyn Arnen Emyn Fuin Emyn Poros Ephel Dúath Erborn River Faron Forithilien Frontier Marches Gaelon Glorel Gonderyth Duath Harithilien Hithliniath Imlad Morgûl Ithilduin (Morgûlduin) Ithilduin Estuary Nan Ascarwing Nan Girith Nan Zurenen Nethos Othnir Poros Poros Marches River Gaelos Southern Cliffs Taur Ithilien Telengaur Tiridon Twiddle Forest Tyrn Thurion Usuluni

Settlements and Points of Interest[]

Adab Elenmir Adanadar Aludor Amon Barad Amon Dûr Andiant Anwarbad Artamir's Grave Athrad Poros Avram's Manor Barad Dae Barad Feron Barad Nemorn Barad Othnir Barad Perras Barad Telagar Bar-en-Dinnen Bar Húrin Bar-in-Adanadar Bar Morvegil Bar Nethos Blackbird Hamlet Brangobel Caras Athrad Caves of Drach Cross-roads of the Fallen King Dimrost Dol Henfin Duindir Elf Village (Ithilien) Faramir's Lookout Firimas Gobel Othnir Golodhros' manor Hallras Harlanc Haudh-in-Gwanûr Henneth Annûn Hervethladen Hyand Byth Hyarpendë Ithilduin Caverns Lân Mefam Lookout Long Bridge Mar Maliarnin Meadowcroft Minas Morgûl Moon-land Falls Osgiliath Ostithil Ost Sarram overgrown hollow Pen-Arduin Porosîr Raenar's Cottage Ranger Cairn Rhólanthir Rianbar Secluded Glade Shortmead Manor Tair-or-Ithilien Thindamost Tirith Bannor Tirith Ethraid Tirith Obel Tomb of Herion Trenas Tuntham Western Post Whisper Glen

Ithilien ca. T.A. 1640-1650[]

Ithilien administration

Ithilien according to Lindë[1]

Ithilien ca. T.A. 1640-1650

  • Political Organization: Province; Royal Ward.
  • Rulers: Mirien, Queen of Gondor; Tuan Dor-Brannidor, Steward of Minas Ithil; Andril, Commander of the Garrison of Minas Ithil.
  • Administrative Organization: The Queen of Gondor is the traditional ruler, appointing most local offices; eight noble families hold 60% of the land, the rest is held directly by the Queen.
  • Population: 30,000 Dunedain and Ithilwaith.
  • Military: 350 Heavy Cavalry led by the Commander of Minas Ithil; 1,750 Regular Infantry led by the Commander; 900 Militia led by the Steward.
  • Products: Textiles, books, art, herbs, horses.

The easternmost of the territories originally governed by Elendil and his sons, Ithilien remained very much a border province, despite the later addition of lands in Rhovanion and Harondor conquered by Gondor's kings. The nobility of Ithilien tried to maintain the province's reputation as the "Garden of Gondor" mainly by limiting the extent to which the rich soil of the Anduin's eastern bank was tilled. A pleasant forest, used as a retreat and a hunting preserve, covered much of northern Ithilien. Strict laws protected the game there, and a small army of Rangers guarded against poachers and spies from abroad. The lack of a strong agricultural base for the region kept the population small, for most food needs came to Ithilien by road, with a commensurate rise in prices. The decline of Osgiliath made trade with the rest of Gondor even more difficult, and despite its proximity to the center of Gondor, Ithilien increasingly found itself isolated. In fact, were it not for the army stationed in the region and the scholarly population of Minas Ithil, the whole province would have been deserted, except for the nobility and their servants in their splendid summer estates.

Ithilien, like all of the provinces of Gondor save Dor-en-Ernil, was under royal control, but unlike the other provinces it was a traditional fief of Gondor's Queen. Since most Queens of Gondor choose to remain with their husbands, the province was usually administered by the Steward of Minas Ithil and the nobility. However Tarondor's Queen Mirien had decided to try her hand at governing the province. Her presence there had caused a great deal of unrest, but she had thus far shown herself to be a deft administrator.

Ithilien held Gondor's large reserve army in the East, ready to travel into Rhovanion or Harad should the need arise. Raids deep into Ithilien were rare, but enough hostility existed between Gondor and her neighbors for vigilance to be the wisest policy. King Tarondor also kept the troops stationed there at the ready because of the greater frequency with which Orcish raids had been crossing the Ephel Dúath in recent years. Though the commanders at Minas Ithil occasionally made raids deep into Mordor, they could not stem the growth of the Orcish population in that black land.

Ithilien produced much wool, which the weavers of Minas Ithil then transformed into sturdy fabric. Indeed, herdsmen from as far away as Dunfearan came to the city to have their wool spun and woven into beautiful bolts of fine cloth. In exchange for the textiles which flowed out of the city, the citizens of Ithilien received the first choice of luxury items brought overland on trade routes East and South. Despite its economic and military roles, Minas Ithil, and the whole land of Ithilien for that matter, was famous as the intellectual capital of Gondor, and the whole of Endor. Not even Fornost Erain could match the bibliographic resources found in Minas Ithil. There, a grand library and the only university found in Middle-earth provided a magnet for the greatest minds of Endor. A sizable community of artists made its home in Minas Ithil as well, further enhancing the city's reputation as a haven for the mind and the soul among the usually pragmatic and unimaginative Gondorians.


Ca. T.A. 1640-1650[]

Ca. T.A. 1640-1650:

  • Men: Mirien, Queen of Gondor; Tuan Dor-Brannidor, Steward of Minas Ithil; Andril Commander of the Garrison of Minas Ithil
    Aderil Amadar Angon Ariks Arondil Avram Bomar Boranas Daramir Darana Deniel Ebarthon Erdae Farahail Gariac Goldathôn Hiriam the Quiet Iderion Idrazor Jeirn Lamarad Laren Lyana Mercawen Miatta Mirenil Nadhaim Nissa Orinas Parigan Perelion Raenar Sahail Sargan Sorandil Taraim Terendil Terision Tharadoc Warris Zelek
  • Orcs: Granbash Tangash
  • Undead: Celgor the Blackfist

Ca. T.A. 3018-19[]

Ca. T.A. 3018-3019:

See also[]


  1. Lindëfirion wiki:Ithilien Accessed 2020-04-06, archived 2018-09-04