It was situated outside of Valmar, southwest of the great city within a forest maze where the great woods of orome began to stretch towards southern and western Aman.
Intavros (Nol. "House of Tavros") or Aldúmë (Vn."Twilight-forest") was the great manor of Oromë, the Huntsman of the Valar, situated in the depths of the Woods of Oromë in Valinor. Hidden beneath the towering trees and veiled by the endless shadows of the forest, Intavros was the gathering hall of Oromë’s host, where the Hunters of Orome dwelled and where the great steeds and hounds of the Huntsman found rest between their endless pursuits across the wilds of Aman and Middle-earth.
Unlike the radiant halls of Manwë or the golden pastures of Yavanna, Intavros was a stronghold of untamed nature, a place where the echoes of the hunt never faded, and where the very walls seemed alive with the whisper of leaves and the distant sound of Oromë’s horn, Valaróma.