The New Notion Club Archives
The New Notion Club Archives

Mount Hyarmentir (Q. "South-Watch"), also called Hyarantar, was one of the tallest mountains in Aman, rising in the southern and eastern regions of Valinor. Though not as high as Taniquetil, the throne of Manwë, Hyarmentir was a mighty peak, standing as a lone guardian on the southern frontier of the Pelóri Mountains. Its towering form and rugged cliffs made it a place of great height and mystery, rarely visited even by the Valar.

In the Ages before the War of the Powers, during Morgoth’s dominion over Middle-earth, it is believed that Hyarmentir served as a watchtower, guarding the southern approaches of Valinor. However, as the ages passed and the threat of Morgoth was vanquished, the ancient sentinels of Hyarmentir were withdrawn, leaving the mountain to stand alone, an abandoned sentinel overlooking the endless southern wastes of Exambar.

It was upon Hyarmentir’s slopes that Melkor and Ungoliant conspired in darkness, as Ungoliant spun her webs between its jagged pinnacles. From its shadowed summit, the two beheld the light of the Two Trees before descending its long, shallow western slopes, setting forth on their dreadful path to ruin. It was from here that they began their assault upon Laurelin and Telperion, plunging Valinor into the Long Night.


Read SU 74.
