Horses were very common in Middle-Earth, differend breeds were variously categorized as Ponies, Small Horses and Great Horses or Light Horses, Medium Horses and Heavy Horses.Horses were bred as working animals,pack animals and horses in warfare (as Light and heavy war Horses) some tribes of the easterlings and Haradrim also usually consumed the flesh of horses.The offspring of a Horse and a Donkey was called a Mule or Hinny (offspring of a male horse and a female donkey).Known horse races of Middle-Earth included:
Horses of Renown[]
Aragorn Arod Arroch Asfaloth Bill Brego Brynmôd Bumpkin Bungo Daisy Felaróf Firefoot Flyting Gesith Hasufel Lightfoot Lumpkin Minty Myrtle Nahar Narothal Nimros Orok Rochallor Rohald Roheryn Shadowfax Sharp-ears Snowmane Strider Stybba Swish-tail White-socks Windfola Wise-nose
Genealogy of Horses[]
- Ararochath or Horses of Valinor
- Demon Horses
- Elven Horses
- Númenórean Horses
- Arnorian Greathorses
- Arthadan Mid-Horses
- Horses of Gondor
- Númenórean Horses
- the Mearas
- Horses of Rohan
- Wild Horses of Palisor
- Daen Horses
- Dunland Ponies
- Eriadorian Horses
- Hadorian Horses
- Marsh ponies
- Dwarven Ponies
- Easterling Horses
- Asdriag Horses
- Kargarim horses
- Rycoli horses
- Variag Horses
- Wild Horses of Harad
- the Wildhorses of Rhovanion
- Daen Horses